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Enya vs The Prodigy - Smack My Orinoco Flow Up (Jonas Niemann MashUp)

thanks I hate it

TIL the whole of fediverse is smol people, tfw 6'3

russian doll spoilers ahah that's great, don't think I noticed that. Great show and I still use Gotta Get Up as my alarm music

Ugh, found some really cool *official* NASA stickers/patches, but they're made by a company that also makes US Military and Israeli Defence Force designs :(((

mastodev, ionch 

@falkreon well isn't one of the parts of the webfinger step, that you could change the server it's pointing to at any time? So anytime you need to use it you need to do that lookup? girl in red is great if you didn't already know of them

@masterofthetiger @Tusky I like that they try to keep those fascists out, and appreciate them making this statement.

Also no surprise that most of the shit comes from accounts that "Joined Github on June 4th 2019"

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Oof I went back to the very good @Tusky PR, and what a bunch of garbage. Really makes you wonder if these people just misunderstand the GPL, or if they're being disingenuous.
Anyways, good thing it's merged, and stay strong against the shitstorm :) why not both :)

@thufie lol I still use the old launcher, the "updates page" has been broken for ages now but it still works I guess :>

art under capitalism, leftpol 

problem: doing cool stuff requires resources

in capitalism: pitch, get money from investors who want to turn a profit, make your art using investor money in accordance with what they want your art to be, then charge for the right to access it and make the investors rich maybe

in anarchism: pitch, get support from backers who want to see your art in the world, make your art however you want using backers' resources, release freely to the world


Well, Lunduke is on masto now, and let's just say I'm very happy we suspended the shitshow

Is it just the people I try to follow, or did a lot more people start using follow-approval?

@eloisa Please add me to Anarchists, Communes, Communists, Cooking, Crafts, Cyberpunk, Design, Devops, Digital Rights, Distributed Networks, Electronics, Engineering, Environmentalists, Ethics, EU Politics, Feminism, FLOSS, Free Culture, Free Software, Friendly People, Gaming, Gardening, Hackerspace, Hardware, Information Technology, Infosec, Javascript, Linux, Makers, Open Education, Operating Systems, Photography, Privacy, Programming, Single-board computers, Static Site Generators, Sysadmins, Transhumanism, Vegetarian, Witchcraft, World Politics. @disroot @bob wew, the hypocrisy... Run a campaign against Cloudflare literally MITM'ing all your precious shitposts....

@f0x I'm going to start calling Tesla problems "Tesla problems" instead of "Trolley problems"

smh the phrase "bus factor" gives public transport a bad name. We should start calling it "accident with a Tesla that's programmed to kill you"-factor

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.