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bad covid news

“Under the most likely of IHME’s scenarios, the nations with the highest per capita total deaths would be the US Virgin Islands, the Netherlands,”

we're heading for a "Deadly December"

rsd, covid rel 

but holy shit being the only person who attended remotely is *not* good for my RSD

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wel rip, my idea didn't make it in the group discussion

which is good tbh, cause that means I can work on that on my own and make it an actual thing lmao

"your high CPU usage is affecting meeting quality"

soo, compiling kicad-git isn't ideal, Zoom?

@stapper a bit but not really hot

which is fine, i drink cold/ice coffee all the time too :P

video game guns 

@haskal ah yes the classic counterstrike P90 rush Bi

facial hair, mild horror shitpost 

If I ever say ill grow a beard voluntarily I've been possessed by a skinwalker and you should exorcize me

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facial hair / dysphoria shitpost 

oh you want me to participate in No shave November? Great warm-up for Dysphoria December!

@velexiraptor androgynous or as i like to call it "masculine in a way that people who are attracted to women feel comfortable sexualizing"

im making coffee now at 1:03
put in thermos
so morning me has (warm?) coffee

ahh fuck it's 00:35 and i forgot i had to do the dishes tonight

ahhh fuck fuck fuck i got kicad-rc instead of kicad-git time to compile the whole thing over again

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for fucks sake not this discourse again

hey i'm fucking nonbinary. the black stripe doesn't erase nonbinary people. don't put words in our mouths
:transgender_flag_black: :heart_trans_black:

pandemic, mask 

Blåhaj knows how to wear a mask. Do you? Please wear your mask the right way, cover mouth and nose and make sure it has a snug fit. Make sure your mask is the correct size. To get through the pandemic, solidarity is key. Please keep yourself and others as safe as you can.

aaahh have to compile kicad nightly for my laptop now because it adds a ton of QoL improvements that i now miss in 'normal' kicad

no it's not *just* the color theme support

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