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@th haha, looks similar to when I was working on sprite compression for my tamafoxi and my code wasn't working

was going to find a pic but can't seem to find any :(

lewd well there's plenty of horned lizards soo

personal, negative-ish, positive-ish, anarchy? can't really think of any good slogans/image combinations but am available for graphic design if someone else does have good ideas

@theonefreeman yeah looked at that too but don't like how it takes so much space to the side

remembered Simple Tab Groups was a thing and set it up
this is amazing for organization; for example all my flight controller design tabs are now in a group I can switch to when I work on that, but they're hidden when Im not


went to bed early yesterday cause of headache, slept alot because I was tired and now I have a fucking headache again

parents-- rantish 

why do I even bother running my planned purchasing past them...

me: "I'd like a hotplate for soldering stuff, I noticed we have a portable in storage we never use, can I use that"

"no, it's still a good hotplate"

me: "ok, then I will buy this cheap (13 eur) one from the store, as it does what I need"

"no you should look for secondhand"

me: "*looks*, nope no good listings, besides; would you even sell your hotplate for below 13 euros"

"no because it has $feature"

me: "the store one has the same spec...."

I can just buy it anyways but that'll get yet another angry discussion im sure...

went to grab some more bits from the hackerspace, most likely expanding my home soldering setup because I really can't wait to assemble all my pcbs

headaches really are the worst system indicator... oh it hurts? hmm not enough water, too much thinking, not enough fresh air, just body going 'eh'..

if you take bird pictures with a lens that's bigger than the bird you are cheating sorry I don't make the rules

this one really worked well, but the second jackdaw in the back makes it look weird at first glance haha

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