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Cleaned my desk, and gonna try out a vertical setup like this for a while

RightsCon. For a moment there I had the delusional notion that there might be a rights related conference not sponsored by Google and Microsoft.


Heck, this is also sponsored by reddit and Amazon. Frickin Cloudflare. About as rights respecting as a brick through the window.

seeing my phone notification flash and expecting interaction but instead it's just the phone begging to be charged @root from experience it can be alright but apparently you need sunlight??? smh body
also it seems like every appointment you need to make will be when you want to be asleep

I guess overhauling to a nicer build system, using Redux, and React hooks instead of create-react-class will have to wait till tomorrow ://

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tfw trying to be real productive here but laptop keeps freezing up

stupid nose, now is not the time to start bleeding. kindly fuck off, im tryna be productive

Keeno's Bristol Mix Sessions always improve my mood so much.
Amplifies good days, and makes bad days a little better

ugh I really need a RAM upgrade but it's so expensive :(((

important announcement 


Updated Matrix/Synapse to the latest commit, to fix yet another security bug. Synapse is getting very close to version 1.0.0 now.

Over the last year the performance or both Synapse and the Riot Android app have improved a lot.

hi everybody i’m new here, a trans girl from paris with tendecies to overshare her passion about chemistry 😤😤😤
feel free to pm me (not sure if it exists here but anyway) if you wanna know me better, i’m the softness incarnated according to my gf 🐰✨💛

asking for new user @caracolach, what's the best Mastodon app for iOS?

Does anyone know cyberpunk books written by non-male writers?
All the stuff I can remember reading is male 🤔

re: matrix meta, responding to screenshot-dunking 

@mathilde I get that it can be super tiring to have to convince (FOSS or otherwise) techbros about the importance of these things, but imo that's not the case here, as from prior experience I know at least /dev/ponies is trying their best, for example in moderating matrix united

re: matrix meta, responding to screenshot-dunking 

@mathilde well, I'm mentioned at the bottom of the screenshot, I am involved in this project (a bit), and consider these people as doing their best.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.