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it's such a tiny detail, but the extra interactivity is great imo

literally me following who shares/replies whatever shitty message was reported

pleroma "recommended instances" / local area are a "great" resource too

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the opening poem with the same title, Collapsed in Sunbeams, is really nice

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Just published my article/devlog about FediFox Shield, my project for a nicer public Mastodon frontend

It goes deep into some technical details I had lots of fun implementing, but also explains the overall motivation, and next steps for the project

Shield demo video, mostly so I can link it in the article i'm writing about it

Informed consent? Never heard of it!

but uhh, number go up, so surely everyone wants to publicly expose more data, even with `AUTHORIZED_FETCH` and `DISALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS`

Some wild optimistic caching for , streamed render of stale data if available, updated with new data through the same http connection when returned by the actual instance

Also React 18's Suspense and serverside rendered response streaming is super cool, it allows out-of-order sending of the rendered page, where some things take longer to load than others (because they have to do various requests to the Mastodon backend)

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Central to the design is that it authenticates as a local account on the instance, so you can run it with `DISALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS`
(which would totally break the entire new frontend), and still have functional public profile and thread pages.
This also allows introducing more configurability and more consent, like letting users choose if they want to include unlisted statuses, or even show their profile publicly at all

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.