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i remember posting this before i think
but its so sweet so im posting it again

Can you boost this please? I'm sort of load-testing / trying to reproduce a bug, and I think I need a bit more traffic to do so. Thank you!

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The Cailleach is the changing of seasons, protector of sacred wells and animals, and can even be a source of healing. Basically, she is likely the most complicated subject to study from Scottish Folklore.
#ScottishFolkore #Scotland #folklore #myths

Considering the recent #nanowrimo fiasco, a friend who shall remain anonymous has built a website to collect links to regional monthly novel writing groups that operate independently.

If you want to try the challenge but don't want to support an organization that shills for its AI-powered sponsors under the guise of disability advocacy, add your info!

bzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzz

At the end of the 19th century, economists were arguing that poverty was caused by there being too many people for the surrounding land to support. Evidence for this was that one saw almost no poverty in frontier towns, and plenty of poverty in large cities. Limited resources could only be stretched so thin.

Henry George, in his book "Progress and Poverty", called BS on this. Due to specialisation of labour, he argued each additional person meant there'd be *more* to go around, not less.


PSA: runs a honeypot to trap wiki admins who try to leave Fandom.

As mentioned
in this article, you can submit a "request" to Fandom to close your wiki.

If you submit such a request, Fandom will
not close your wiki. Instead, they will
a)Remove your admin status to prevent you from deleting articles,
b)Keep a close eye on your wiki to make sure you aren't trying to migrate away from Fandom,
c)Possibly ban your account from Fandom.

are ways to essentially trick Fandom's automated system into closing your wiki. All such methods are against the rules of Fandom and rely on your wiki avoiding the notice of any human employees of Fandom.

If you want to know how I got them to close Pandora's Tale Wiki, DM me, either here or on Matrix. I don't want to post the explanation publicly in case Fandom notices and changes their system to prevent my method from working for future wikis.

Looking for a monospaced pixel font with a lo-fi technical vibe, serving old school interfaces? Meet Departure Mono. I love it soooo much!

By Helena Zhang (

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, aka "Inside you there are two castles".

She picked up a hammer. "Is this your hoard?"

"These are my hammers," the dragon said.

She went to one of the anvils. "Is this it?"

"No." The dragon breathed fire into the furnace.

"Then what do you hoard?"


"Oh? Where are the others?"

"I hoped you'd be my first."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

idk how else to start a new social media account so heres some doodles of my fursona to get things rolling

The new AI sponsor of NaNoWriMo says not writing your novel with AI is ‘classist and ableist’.

Counterpoint: Internet person, Guffo, says that any creative challenge where the sponsor is an AI company trying to shame people into using the Plagiarism Engine to do their creative work for them can suck his nuts and buttcheeks.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.