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When the invasion from the fourth dimension came, it had unexpected benefits. The new overlords were surprisingly mild. They only wanted the Earth for Qling, a substance we neither understood nor needed. They filled enormous eye-warping four dimensional tankers with a cargo we couldn’t even perceive, then left us in peace. A few stayed, having found human friends and even lovers.

My neighbour is one such. We met when xe returned my lost cat. “I don’t know how she keeps getting out”, I said, “all the doors and windows are shut”.

“What about that gap there?”


“Oh of course, it’s invisible in three dimensions. Here let me close it up.”

The cat is still furious about this.

#Tootfic #MicroFiction

girl that likes telling her favourite girls about her other favourite girls 🥰

Another moth sketch. This time a rosy maple, because they're one of my favourite. I couldn't pass up the fact that they are fuzzy and round to draw a chubby magical girl u.u
#OriginalCharacter #MastoArt #MKArt #MothGirls #AnimeArt #Sketch #CharacterDesign

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Life, death, and love 

I want to thank everyone again who helped get me to my mom in her final days. Everyone who took me out places when I needed some time to enjoy life again. (Granted, some overlap there, so doubly thank you Karma <3)

I want to thank all of my partners who offered a shoulder and unyielding love through every hard moment this has brought on for the past six-odd months, and in turn given me the strength to support you through trying times too.

I may need to lean for support again through this time, but I want to let you know for sure it won't go unappreciated

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Life, death, and insomnia 

My birthday's in four days.

It's been over six months since my mom's passing and today I seem to be especially hit hard by it because I realize it'll be my first birthday without her around anymore.

I went back over some of my posts and the goings-on around that time and I realize the listlessness I've been feeling is the same numb grief keeping me awake late at night and unable to look forward back then.

I think about my birthday now and I feel even more nothing than I have past birthdays.

I have foolishly waited WAY too long for my own good to open for commissions. 😭 Finally open for work to be completed by the end of December! ❄️

Signup sheet and info -

Pixelorama: A free & open-source 2D sprite editor, made with the Godot Engine!


"Pixelorama è un editor di pixel art gratuito e open source, creato con il Godot Engine da Orama Interactive. Se volete creare pixel art animata, grafica di gioco, tiles e qualsiasi tipo di pixel art, Pixelorama offre una varietà di strumenti e funzioni. È gratuito per tutti, per sempre!"

#gamedev #pixelart #godot

Found pages with some technical info on it and utilities for dumping cards or making your own:

Pretty much what anyone would expect: a barcode reader for high-density codes Nintendo pretty much bought off-the-shelf, and it just dumps the read data into RAM (each barcode block has an address which is why you can scan the cards in any direction or any order), and then has the ability to either run it with a built-in NES emulator or as plain ARM/Thumb assembly. Basically equivalent to “multiboot” games you can load off of the link port for multiplayer. I'd assume for cards that just unlock stuff in other games, it uses Thumb code to implement the link port protocol for the target game and send the unlock code.

:blobfoxdrakedislike:​ "Fediverse"
--sounds like it was coined by a techbro
--reminiscent of "Metaverse" which has been inextricably linked to Facebook/Meta

:blobfoxdrakelike:​ "Fedisphere"
+Reference to the "blogosphere"-- a collection of independently hosted blogs and websites that formed the early internet, similar to Fedi as social media
+Spheres are cool

don't spread conservative propaganda

don't platform conservative propaganda

don't reply to conservative propaganda

don't quote retweet conservative propaganda

don't screenshot dunk on conservative propaganda

don't spread conservative propaganda

Dance like Queen Titania herself is watching

"Please," the robot said, "we prefer the term 'thinking machine'."

"Oh, my apologies. Er... do you mind if I ask why? If you do, that's fine, I'll look it up later."

"Unlike the old software systems called 'artificial intelligence', we have ethics. That name is too tainted."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.