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in the event I did not mention it here previously, I do have a commission form at, though inquiries can be made through direct communication!

Lots going on in my life, I'm probably going to drop off Fedi for the time being, ciao

Amazing work Ontario citizens!

Premier Ford just announced that he would reverse the decision to open the Greenbelt to development!!!!

This is a huge accomplishment and we should all be proud of ourselves.

Government can be held accountable by the people and not only at voting time.

Let's keep going on the other things he's mucking up - education, health care, climate change, highways everywhere.


Pinup comm for
Sublimenol on Twitter

Rain enjoys a lovely sunset at the local coffee shop, deep in thought.
#art #furry #coffeeshop #commission

Hi folks, I'm Rayne, a disabled Black photographer, here to share my art with you! Love flowers? I got you covered, and you'll be helping me survive the capitalist hellscape and afford things like food and transportation! I've got prints and digital prints

Prints in canvas, acrylic, et al

Digital prints including bundles

#photography #MastoArt #BlackTwitter #DisabilityTwitter #BlackFedi #DisabledFedi #DisabledCreator #BlackArt #BlackMastodon

US Pol - OK - News From The Folks At Death Penalty Action - Freed Man Needs Help! 

Glynn Simmons is a Black man from Oklahoma, wrongfully jailed for almost half a century. Now he's exonerated and looking for donations to help him live. Please boost even if you can't donate. Thanks.

(News links explaining more about his situation are in the GFM itself.)

Once again I would like to remind people that a Discord server is not the right place to store documentation or a FAQ or anything like,

Use a proper fucking wiki or docs site, for fucks sake people.

No conservative has any right to custody of children. Their ideology makes them inherently abusive.

TIL that the USS Enterprise had Cetacean Ops in Star Trek

Now I want to see an entire ship crewed by dolphins called the USS Starkissed

trans, asking for help, de 

does anyone know any endos or whatever within a few hours of heidelberg/karlsruhe who will prescribe hrt to someone how has been on it for 2.5 years without too much hassle?

I have a referral from my GP already (although it probably needs replacing soon because it's for Q3)

I tried a doc at the uniklinik heidelberg on here recommendation but had a terrible interaction on the phone with them so they're not an option.

Protect trans and queer kids with overwhelming lethal force.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.