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The one roommate who drinks smoothies regularly has started the habit of announcing "Blender noise is coming!" and not only is that directly helpful, it's nice to know someone actually gives a shit sensory sensitivity is painful at times. Being heard and, to some degree, understood is an amazing feeling.

If you're not #ActuallyAutistic or dealing with #SensorySensativity yourself, but someone in your life is, remember that the small things aren't so small.


I'm trying to attract moths. This is how it works right?
Just need a lamp?

My friend lizzie recently came across this thing called #VSekai, which is an open source, self-hosted VRChat "alternative", running on the #GodotEngine. I found their .vrm addon some time ago, since @ExpiredPopsicle has contributed to it. Cool stuff, looking forward to more!

In perhaps the coolest response to Unity's recent massive failure, Terraria developer Re-Logic have just announced MASSIVE donations to the open source Godot game engine AND the FNA project.

Bravo Re-Logic!

Long shot: are there #Inochi2d riggers here on fedi who take commissions?

EDIT: The domain expired today, so I'm just letting it go.

So I've got the domain parked and I can't think of a thing to do with it, but I don't want to just let it expire either. Anyone want to take over ownership and do something with it? It's up for renewal next month. It's $34 a year.

If you can throw a few bones my way that would be cool too, but if not that's fine as long as you agree to do something cool with it. DM me if you're interested.

13 more followers on Twitch... Then I'll show something off. 👀

Just did some edits to it and it looks more "me" now

Latest news!

Unity Foundation tries to backtrack exactly as scheduled, including changing the installation count for their runtime fee to being "customer-reported", tacitly admitting that they only acknowledge the existence of mobile F2P devs who would have that kind of metrics, as well as that they have no legal ground to gather that data themselves

They also turned around and denied legitimacy to charity groups Planned Parenthood and Children's Hospital as part of their exemption to runtime fees

FDA: Fey Doctor Advice 

You can't remember nearly any your dreams? Lemme take a look.


Oh this is a good one

Oh my

You should have more boring dreams so they're not tempting to steal. I'm keeping this one about the caramel factory, by the way.

Teamsters refusing to ship cars during this UAW strike.

Hollywood strikers joining Amazon workers picketing their warehouses.

Thousands of people signing strike pledges, joining the picket line, and donating to strike funds.

Solidarity is a verb.

you're in her DMs. i'm in her world as a white phantom and we are exploring the ruins of the kingdom of man together as the age of fire comes to a close. we are not the same

Good time to remind people that instead of being a scab, John Oliver is currently on tour expressly to raise money to pay the writers who currently can’t make his show.
Now that's how you show solidarity!

@Zennistrad It just occurred to me re-reading Anomaly... Is Iji's discovery of her feelings for other women entirely her own doing, or would it have something to do with the nanofield of the one tasen she absorbed? :3c

Alright! Let's kick off this charity stream!

We're starting off messing around in #GodotEngine , making a new game project from scratch, picking some assets out of @kenney 's Game Assets All-in-1 pack. If you're a former Unity dev and interested in checking out how easy #Godot is to use, then come check it out!

If we hit our $500 milestone we'll be switching over to #Doom with #HideousDestructor, doing a naturist run through TNT, because I like pain.

Hope to see you there!

#TwitchStream #GamesForLove #Charity

I need to say something to everyone who feels smart about making jokes about the #Godot game engine and waiting:

Congratulations on getting the joke. That joke is why it's called Godot. The devs are openly acknowledging that we'll be waiting for the perfect game engine that will never arrive.

Are you a hacker/maker/nonprofit in the UK? Would you like some free 64×16 px RGB LED panels? We have a lot. We need to get rid of them.

(UPDATE: offer currently paused due to lots of demand. There might be some more left but we have to check first.)

Ok, I said I would do it, and here it is.

I want
#Fipamo and #TheBadSpace to be viable mainstays in the fediverse ecosystem, and to get them where they need to be, I need some help to get them up to snuff.

Because I believe the fedi can be a fantastic place. And I want to make a direct contribution to making this space better.

Spread this around. It's time to get to work.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.