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Zeno's guide to project management: break every task into steps. Break those steps into smaller steps. Continue in this manner until you realize you have an infinite number of steps and the task will never be accomplished.

forgot about this 8x8px font I made after reading Toshi Omagari's Arcade Game Typography

in today’s afternoon nap i dreamt of an one-legged giant borb disguised as tree.

#doodle #DigitalArt #DreamArt #Fantasy

*steps into a fairy circle* "yo, any fey wanna take me in? i could use a break."

Sometimes you just want to look at some colorful "no known copyright" endpapers. Feel free to reuse!

These are all from books published between 1890 and 1930. Scanned by the Bergen Public Library in Norway. #endpapers

Image credit: Bergen Public Library on Flickr Commons

a robotgirl accidentally trapped itself in your phone! in exchange for unlocking the phone, it grants you three wishes. what would you wish for?

The best thing to do would probably be to just take one of the loose boards and replace the damaged plyboard with it, not try to refit the whole thing, since I only have so many spoons to budget and I've still got a lot of apartment maintenance to do

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Good: I have a new old dresser!
Bad: The drawers in it are old and the wood is splitting, the rail guide on one came off completely and took some of the plyboard with it
Good: I still have drawers and roller rails from a dresser I disassembled!
Bad: I'd have to do a lot of trimming and refitting to get them on the current dresser
Worse: I'm not a carpenter
Even Worse: despite that I still have a saw and sawhorse

This can only go well

FNAF nuclear take and I am not sorry :dont_at_me:​ 

I will block people supporting FNAF without a second thought, same as those who support Harry Potter.

Supporting the series after Cawthon's campaign donations came to light, while knowing that he still gets money from the series and still contributes to those campaigns after he left production, is entirely the same as supporting Harry Potter after JK Rowling's went public with her transmisogny, racism, and antisemitism.

Doesn't matter how you feel about it, or how you're "reclaiming" it, you are still supporting their causes, including the ones that harm yourselves.

Yes, it's a great time to get coderbrain while I'm waiting for the bus and without my notebook

If you're on the strike lines, do what I do in all public settings, wear a well-fitting KF94, KN95, or N95. Stay safe out there ✊

#sagaftrastrike #CovidIsNotOver

so uhhhh my roommate and i have two months to find a new place to live. we originally had until "next spring" but circumstances with the landlord have changed. neither of us are even remotely ready to do this shit yet again but we have no choice. if anyone knows of decent rentals in the des moines, wa area that don't cost $texas we could use all the help we can get :(

i miss when portable devices were cute with pixel art icons and a mix of fun and useful features rather than the dystopian black slabs we have today

youtube execs hate her! defeat the youtube adblocking three-strikes bullshit with this one weird trick (a set of ublock origin filters), yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

Assembly Summer 2023 Freestyle graphics entry 🦊 Placed 9th (second last).

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