
FNAF nuclear take and I am not sorry :dont_at_me:​ 

I will block people supporting FNAF without a second thought, same as those who support Harry Potter.

Supporting the series after Cawthon's campaign donations came to light, while knowing that he still gets money from the series and still contributes to those campaigns after he left production, is entirely the same as supporting Harry Potter after JK Rowling's went public with her transmisogny, racism, and antisemitism.

Doesn't matter how you feel about it, or how you're "reclaiming" it, you are still supporting their causes, including the ones that harm yourselves.

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FNAF nuclear take and I am not sorry :dont_at_me:​ 

@elfi You're right and you're right to say it.

FNAF Rebuttal (please read it, took so long to write) 


(wall of text because I wanted to support my argument)

Personally, I don't find it too bad. He donated more than 3x every political donation he's ever made COMBINED (~$42,204) to The Trevor Project (over $150,000), and isn't continuing those political donations.

Looking into his history shows he was going for a different candidate. Sadly, they lost and fell through so he had to back someone else instead (it was determined he was donating to people that had an interest in stopping other countries from invading the US from past donations, but I'm not American so I can't comment on how important it is)

I don't think Scott is bad, he was given quite terrible options. The only candidate that had a chance of winning and solving the issue he had was HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED!

What he did was not a good thing, but it's not COMPLETELY IRREDEEMABLE AND HORRIBLE! He's done more good than bad in my eyes

(quotes from Scott attached)

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