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Here’s what parenting can look like.

When I told my dad I was trans, my dad’s response was, “Oh! I can send you jewelry now!” (He was retired and made jewelry as a hobby).

Two days latter, I had a letter in the mail addressed to Joelle, the first time “Joelle” ever got mail, with a necklace in it. Later he made me this one. He told me, “I hope I got the colors right, I looked it up online.”

You don’t have to mourn a child transitioning. You can be the first to do so many affirming things.

Gift art for Okaliz on bsky!
I've meant to draw this for months but never quite got around to it :blobfoxlaughsweat:

#furryart #furry

I'm beating a drum like, electronics isn't actually sorcery y'all,

and then TI casually drops *this* into a datasheet

Oh hey apparently EasyRPG includes Creative Commons replacements for all of the RPG Maker 2000/2003 graphics:

That could be a good source of 16x16 graphics I can make available in Tilemap Town with autotiling and without copyright infringement.

Yay, 3DS battery replaced

...which feels kind of silly if I'm gonna be streaming Solatorobo by emulator regardless since this is a launch model 3DS

Oh well, I can at least finish the boss rush and check out New Game+

I feel like I talk about @bangbangcon all the time on here, but a friend mentioned that they didn't realize that it was actually happening this year! We're no longer using Twitter, and I think it's possible a lot of our usual audience isn't seeing our posts. (Also, the conference is at a different time of year than in the past, which might be confusing people.)

So, please help us out and boost this: Tickets for the 🚨 last ever 🚨 !!Con are available right now!

I Got Hit By A Truck And Now I'm Stuck In A $5 Sketch Commission 

After over a month of training @sharkNserg frame-perfect parried truck-kun, finally putting a definitive end to it's winning streak.

Black family struggling. We're helping a friend & her kids escape DV & need food. I'm also tryna help my sister.Her oven & water heater broke down. She's a disabled single mom of 2 & can't afford to fix both appliances. She needs food too.

Goal: 1250/1500! OMG thank you!, 500 for food for me, 500 for water heater, 500 for food for her

Cashapp/Venmo: spooniewolf
Chime: $twinthing
The story is here:

#MutualAidRequest #disabilitycrowdfund #helprequest #poverty #disability

uspol shitpost 

It's Freedom Planet's 10th anniversary and Kamala Harris is running for election in Biden's place... I can't believe Lord Brevon got him

That's the nice thing about crossover fic. I can just decide Merveille likes her new granddaughter enough to build a new spectrokinesis-powered nanometal robot and give it a cool name like Vishap-AZI108.

i am still alive
just incredibly busy :blobfoxmelt3:
have a slime doodle as an apology

here's the folks i'm worried about... if you could help by sharing their posts or giving if you can, i would be very grateful 🙏

rae and xer twin sister are disabled and need urgent help fixing necessary household appliances and securing food

mahtheyzhawey is a disabled mom that needs help with monthly costs of living:

octo needs help with monthly costs (bills, debt payments) while living in an abusive household:

wren urgently needs to move out of a small dangerous town:

alks still doesnt have income and its ther birthday month:

moo hasnt had any donations this month and would like help during securing some disability aides:

...I wanna go out and get more ink pen nibs, but I bought a bunch of stuff today. Maybe another time

lord the only thing I ask of you is for someone to discover and report that the bsod crowdstrike update was developed using copilot or otherwise had some jank-ass AI integration, that shit would be the funniest thing in the world

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