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I wrote about SNES audio driver stuff; it's mostly me rambling but maybe it's interesting to get insight on the state of SNES dev things?

I like the SNES a lot and I want to keep making a lot of stuff for it and keep contributing to a game library I like a lot.

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

If people didn't want me to love the monsters, then they shouldn't have made the monsters relatable to me in ways the protagonists were not.

what do you tell your nb avian friend on their hatchday? 

Happy birdthey

im not supposed to be here but i need to warn people about something re: tetris, FPGA and the military industrial complex 

okay so some of you might have seen that Palmer Luckey has launched his own Gameboy clone, an FPGA console called the ModRetro Chromatic. you may remember another FPGA Gameboy, the Analogue Pocket, a console i own and greatly enjoy and endorse.

for those who dont know, Palmer Luckey (in increasing badness):

at one point worked for Facebook
donates vast sums of money to Trump
founded Anduril, a war drone company

that alone should be reason enough to never touch this thing.

unfortunately, the thing also includes an officially licensed Tetris game. so i wanted to provide some alternatives to people who were interested in playing a "modern" tetris on a portable device. dont even pirate the rom of it, play these instead.

first off, you dont need an FPGA like this or the Analogue Pocket, you can get a comfy emulator device for a sixth of the cost that supports more consoles. dont spend money you dont have.
the best gameboy tetris is the homebrew clone Apotris. it is by far the most extensive in feature set and i play it daily. i dont care for the default visual settings but the customization is incredible.
if you have a soft spot for the old gameboy tetris of yore, theres Rosy Retrospection, a mod that brings several modern conveniences while keeping the original spirit.
it also has a color version.

please do not give this monster money, and do not give his tetris the time of day. fan projects deserve your attention more than a warmonger's vanity project.

Rainbow Mothra is here, he's queer, and he's gonna fight to protect trans kids

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need y'all to see this zine i was given while flyering yesterday. good things happen sometimes

'tis by an artist called "cat's little geeks"

the girl reading this deserves an extra hour in the dashcon ball pit ❤️

White I found the black comedic humor effective, consider it a warning if you have a non-Enterprise VMware use case (e.g. Fusion for personal use) and/or a low bullshit tolerance:

14in Greenbar! the ULTIMATE in DMP!

I've been keeping an eye out for this stuff for years and now not only do I finally have some, I have *1,300* pages of it! I'm looking forward to the June supporter printout.

Almond loves taking selfies, and she's very good at it too, as you can see!💚

eepy moth is already emotionally overwhelmed by today, needs a cozy rest with morbs :maple_morb: :classic_morb: :arctic_morb: :shadow_morb: 💤

I’m making a new religion that turns libraries into religious institutions and our most holy practice is going to the library and reading books. On the weekend we all get together and read silently together at the library. Our holy leaders are our librarians as they are guides to knowledge.

This way it makes it significantly harder to defund libraries.

URGENT! PLEASE help moo with its monthly food and bills! it's disabled and has been unable to find a job for years. it needs all the help it can get while stuck in a housing situation where people steal its food. anything helps! DUE TOMORROW!


Full List of Links:

@mutualaid @mutual_aid #TransCrowdFund #BlackMutualAid #BlackTransMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #MutualAid #BlackMastodon #disabled #DisabilityMutualAid #disability #trans #LGBTQIA #artist #digitalArt #otherKin #plural


Today sounds like a day for pizza

I came back from showing off the apartment to some interesting times I see

Some bugs looking at cool rocks, nothing else happening, nope!
Illustration commission for Cedi! Thanks a bunch!
#mastoart #furryart #moth #bee #scifi #space

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