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war, propaganda, long 

Sadly, it looks like russian propaganda achieves its goal even among seemingly nice people on fedi.
Mind you, the goal of russian propaganda is not to make russia look good.
Instead, the major goal is to muddy waters enough so that people will think even of the simplest most obvious things that they are so complicated that we'll never know the truth (even if we know it already). As happened with MH-17 for example, where russian propaganda spun up a dozen of different contradicting conspiracy theories, not to make people over the world believe one of them, but to make them feel like they'll never learn which of the theories (including what actually happened: which is that it was shot down by a russian missile) is true.
And another goal is to make people focus on deficiencies of russian adversaries, to publish as many lies (some of them even with the grain of truth) dehumanizing their adversaries, painting them as nazis. Because then it does not matter that russia itself is a copycat of nazi germany. Then it's not a russian aggression against a peaceful country; then it's two nazis fighting, while ordinary people suffer. So you have to be above the fight, or apart from it, and not take sides, and either try to draw far-reaching conclusions about russian adversaries indeed being nazis even from the tiniest things completely distorted by russian propaganda, or just avoid thinking of this war altogether.

Ultimately, some people will just say "we'll never know the truth" or "we'll never know who is right and who is wrong", or "they both are wrong".
While some others will boost bullshit invented by propaganda, like "these soldiers are instead nazis, look, in this post they call muslims from Chechnya orcs because of their external appearance" (ukrainians call all russian invaders orcs because of their actions, and in that post some soldiers just happened to mention thugs sent by Kadyrov, and of course russian propaganda noticed and made a big deal of this) or "eurovision supports nazis because look, these performers from ukraine did a nazi salute" (because they waved at a crowd but of course russian propaganda noticed that from a certain shooting angle it may look somewhat similar to a nazi salute and made a big deal of this and nobody cares anymore that there were other shooting angles as well), or "because look, these performers declared their support for azov nazi militia" (they said "save azovstal" and azovstal is the name of a place where a lot of civilian people who fled russian shelling of mariupol are being further shelled by russia for the past two months, and "azov militia" is not even a thing since like 2015, but of course russian propaganda cut off the last part of the word and made a big deal of it).

"These are just two nazis fighting each other, I do not support either side, I feel for the ordinary people who suffer but in the same breath criticize these very same ordinary people when they dare to express support for one of the sides and criticize those who platformed them" is a very convenient position. And extremely convenient for russia, because it helps to reproduce itself.

I documented some of my recent experiments in reverse-engineering the Print Gocco, a Japanese DIY printmaking tool from the 1970s. You can read about it here: #theWorkshop

New pen today, this time picked up a school pen together with some india ink. My fountain pen was also running dry so I tried dipping it in that ink too while journaling. Funfun, I'm pleased

foolish catte @kim tried to ddos this 1-core 1gb ram server and *failed*, i am standing atop my mountain laughing like a dwarven god

i read a thing recently that blew my mind a little.
went something like:

people can imagine time travel to the past and one little act making massive differences in the timeline

but in their present they think even the greatest effort they can put in will not make any difference to the future

Tfw I wanna do creative things but househunting has me mentally and emotionally exhaustes and insomnia has me physically so

Repost from Twitter:

Hello friendos! I would like to go home for Christmas this year to see my family since I haven’t been home in four years. I was wondering that if I were to set up commissions then would anyone be interested? ;;

You can float through my tag #alroeart to see what I have done. o/

#MastoArt #CreativeToots #comission

Morning folks! I'm trying to recommend a suitable instance for a friend who's into videogame music composing.

Does anyone know any friendly instances that would suit them? (Small to medium-sized would be fine.)

Boosts & suggestions appreciated!

I'm happy to introduce our new ultra-low tech CMS for smol, accessible websites. The goal was to make something that could be self-hosted, but friendly enough for people who don't SFTP or use a terminal. 3 PHP files, Apache, and Gemtext. Should work on any dumb old Apache host; a technical person could manage many of these for friends and family with zero maintenance. Happy to answer any questions or take bug reports.


A paraphrased life tip I read elsewhere recently: You can possibly get away with being a criminal and you can possibly get away with being an asshole, but in very few situations can you get away with being both.

I think that's my interpersonal praxis. Try to be the person that, if I have to start throwing bricks, still no one wants to snitch on.

Might not be possible depending on why I start throwing bricks, but worth trying.

silly twitter interaction, doodle 

(looks at the camera like i'm on the office)

i'm being followed by a bunch of brats

since librepunk is down i'm manually copying imagecaptioner posts to my account :dragnmlem:

This was posted as "a guy from Slovakia asks questions about US suburban neighborhoods" and the questions themselves are pretty good regardless of who wrote them, but the insecure reactions from US residents were even better

I'm in need of moths, can someone send me some cute moths?

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.