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not to be exclusionary, the sequel no one asked for.
pov: you are very small and I am headpatting you because you deserve affection
(selfie, EC)

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pov: you are very tall and I am headpatting you because you deserve affection
(selfie, EC)

Pondering what it'd be like to raise and release native silkmoths... just wanna see a cute rosy maple...

As she made her way to the greenhouse, poppies and peonies turned their heads to follow her.

Inside, succulent plantlings unpotted themselves and tottered over on mobile roots to crowd around her legs.

'What's got you all worked up?'

A plantling gestured with a root toward the nursery tray. She picked up a little eggcup planter where a tiny seedling had just sprouted.

'Welcome,' she said. She touched it with a gentle finger and it curled its leaf around the tip.

#microfiction #TootFic

food indirect 

Apparently nextcloud has recipe organization... maybe it's finally time I install it

New friend!

Saw her on the way to the polling station and as soon as I said hi she meowed and sprinted over for cuddles!


Dreams and huh? 

Remembered a dream from last night, I went to a flea market to find a cheap and tiny CRT and instead ended up getting the deed to a mansion from a vampire lord who ran the market as a gift, everyone was all gothed up and saying what a wonderful opportunity it was for me. I was just like, I just came here to get a cheap display to compare pixel art on

I went out to find the mansion was in the middle of the wilderness, but happened to have a full retinue of service staff who also happened to be undying folks of all types, then realized when a bunch of people arrived after me that the last homeowner turned the place into a boarding house/summercamp kind of deal and nobody was informed of their untimely disappearance. THEN I realized this was probably a ploy to just get me out to the middle of nowhere with as many people as possible to be vampire food and ditched while everyone else was busy being shown their quarters.

Man, and I was going to enjoy just becoming some weird sort of hermit in the woods. I planted some garlic cloves in the garden as a fuck you

@celesteh here's a design i drew today that i would love for anyone to print out and stick around

How to draw a mushroom house.

Off you go, then. I expect to be inundated with mushroom houses within the hour.


Hello toot friends, I bring #antiLawn memes.
I'm hoping to radicalise you all against the boring monoculture lawn and turn you into biodiversity defenders.

major cruel king and the great hero sidequest spoilers 

gay gay homosexual gay

Glad that NISA didn't shy away from Goldie and Sylvia's relatiosnhip at all :blobuwu:

Did you know that the green lawn that is so common today was originally a way for the landed gentry to show off their wealth? It was meant to imply the owner could afford to have all this land being non productive, setting them apart from those whose livelihood depended on what they could cultivate.
From the beginning, it was an ostentatious display of obscene wealth.

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apparently there's a general strike planned for next week in response to the supreme court bullshit

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