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It happened, we finally have our shared Sona drawn. A very good Leech girl, we are.

🎨 Atrist is @slut4blood on twitter.

coloured and lined version of sketch, bug furry 

Wanted to see if I could get a basic lined and coloured image done before bed, mainly to see if I can manage to work on a method for doing line art that doesn’t kill me ^^ I think I like how this turned out :D
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"is it ok to be late for work because i was up late trying to be supportive to another trans person"

"yes, that counts as 'family emergency'"

"Top Japanese footballer Kumi Yokoyama has come out as a transgender man, becoming the highest-profile athlete in Japan to do so."

ever feel fae, but then look at your cute werewolf friend and then become 110% pupy in an instant?


Kind of hecked up to think veggie dogs are getting cheaper than most meat hot dogs

I feel like the kind available to me are still kind of dense and dry compared to meat ones but that's a small price to pay for not gambling on what I'm putting in my mouth

A large collection of Black trans-led and Black trans-serving organizations & initiatives in the US:


ah yes, my archnemesis, post-surgical fatigu--zzzzzzzzz

A Black transmasc friend of mine needs help keeping a roof above his head as he prepares for gender affirming surgery in July. Please pitch in if you can! And share wide!

trying to figure out what the difference is between adventurers and con goers

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