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Waiter there's a moth in my coffee

wait that's me

ph~, prescription drugs 

OTOH, I can now concentrate enough to dilate, so I guess it's within the use case after all

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ph~, prescription drugs 

Probably not strictly the sort of pain I was meant to take them for, but tramadol has taken care of the migraine

ph-- cannabis ment. caps 


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ph-- cannabis ment. 

I remember why I don't miss this apartment building

people keep fucking lighting up in the bathrooms and it keeps getting into the vents

I have such a massive fucking migraine now I hate it I hate it I hate it


today's moods seem to be asleep and mildly queasy

My last stream, someone quotebotted a thing I said...

"Basically, I can play hard games because I have faith in my ability to cheat if the game becomes intractable"

I stand by it. If I'm not having fun, I start hacking.

I wanna curl up under the wings of a big fluffy moth...

This is great. Some PSP enthusiasts are putting a HUGE PSP homebrew collection up on the Internet Archive. Over 3,000 so far and still ongoing.

I also discovered a plugin that enables state saving like you can do with emulators. So you can save your game whenever you want rather than at save points. Pretty neat.

Oh, I never added my other pronouns to my profile, whoops

donate to black trans women!!! especially for juneteenth.

if you wanna donate to a black trans person for juneteenth (after youve donated to black trans women) im here

cash : $wenotfreeyet
venmo : $wenotfreeyet92
ask for paypal

how to celebrate #AutisticPrideDay:

• stop making so much noise all the time
• leave us alone, we're trying to get some dang work done
• don't accidentally give any money to Autism Speaks, it's a hate group
• ban ABA
• fuck the police

" Goods has embraced becoming the face of a queer, romantic renaissance: what she refers to as “this she/they, masc-lesbian movement,” in which butch or non-binary lesbians, specifically Black studs, are “demanding to be romanticized like everybody else.”


Goods defines the EP as a “soundtrack for Black people to be happy to,” because, “being Black and happy is revolutionary.”


Shitty game developers 

Friday Facts: the developer of Factorio is one of _those_ twats who thinks a person's politics is irrelevant to their contributions. :blobcoffeeunamused2:

lmao apparently someone asked the neopets people why "gay" is still hard filtered and you can't say it anywhere on the site

they... can't find it. they fully intend to let you say it but the site is held together with rubber bands and string. they are looking



Suddenly having Feelings about moths again

time to squeeze my babies and cry

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