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Skinner you’re getting close to the edge of this cushion please don’t fall

I felt the pressure of a cat's feet rising from the base of my bed

Heard a gentle purr beside my head

When I opened my eyes, nothing

This has happened before when I didn't have cats, even. Am I haunted? How do I pet ghost cats

food mention 

I will probably regret this in July and have to really scrounge but beans and rice are worth it for moth

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There's a squishable rosy maple moth coming out and aaaa it's so cute!

preordered for me and my gf because what is money even

hey! i'm looking for people who want their character(s) drawn to build my portfolio in my latest style.

it'd be pixel art, but on a larger scale (kinda like my pixel succubus mimic post, and my tarot card art, if you've seen me post those)

DM me with your refs, your character(s)' name, pronouns, and gender. please also let me know whether you want NSFW or SFW, and if you have any limits!

if you're into gore or candy gore i can also give a try at that.

#OpenRequests #RequestsOpen #PixelArt #DigitalArt

tfw you're a goofy fuzzy baby but (-) 

when you're also an incredibly dense ball of anxiety from life shitting on you, your family and your loved ones in rapid succession

It's so hard to stay cute and positive as much as I want to

When it rains it fucking pours

got fucking body slammed by the AI meme generator, send help

@SophicLeech gave me an idea on how to make the stuffed moth even better

Make it squeak when squeezed

squishable plz make it happen

whimsy levels are critical

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

Have you ever thought about making your magical girl mascot familiar a moth

Think of how fuzzy and huggable they'd be

And the squeaks

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