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uspol, 50501 protest, warning! 

If you’ve heard about the 50501 protest (“50 protests in 50 states”), PLEASE be advised that it is really fishy. People in our local organizing community and in other states have looked into it and cannot find the organizers. Especially if you are a new activist, please get in contact with local long-time activist orgs and get plugged in. Learn from them!

In the words of a very good friend:

uspol, PSA, luigi mangione 

"they stopped talking about luigi mangione to silence us" his next court appearance is 9:00 AM at the New York Supreme Criminal Court, 100 Centre Street, February 21.

the reference number is IND-75657-24/001. it is within your constitutional rights to protest outside of the courthouse, make signs, and voice your opinions as loudly as you can. YOU don't have to stop talking about him. show up, my friends from abroad.

#uspol #LuigiMangione

mlp s4e3 Castle Mane-ia 

@Yza if nobody's swinging a whip by the end of this synopsis I want my money back, all 0 of it

fuck you
-cascades your stylesheet, causing it to take over your mech and rampage on its own agenda with no pilot input-

@pup_hime ooooh! c: that sounds like fun, definitely gives a chance to flavour a red/blue magic dichotomy like a reyvateil

I don't know much about Fabula Ultima myself, as much as I'd really like to check it out based on what I've heard. I have some fond memories of the old FFRPG though

@pup_hime oh I mean the fabula ultima character

I'm one of the AT fans Cherry mentioned already :blobuwu:

#alerta #seattle

These misleading signs have been posted around South Seattle, if you see these pieces of litter you should remove them and help them find their way to a dumpster.

The signs are in Spanish and claim to offer a house for rent with no deposit requirements. However the phone number seems to forward some calls to the voice mail for Seattle Mayors office and likely logs your calls!

Clearly some dumb boot licker or #ICE put these up to troll Spanish speakers.

CW: dragon tiddies 

@Wudie Oh my gosh, chubby dragon! So cute c:

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