@pup_hime Tell me more
@elfi well, for starters, this is a science fantasy world where the planet is falling apart and the last remnants of civilization are clustered around giant towers that hold up a few floating continents. you have a race of people, reyvateils, who can cast song magic, which as it turns out, is more like an API request in a special language, to one of these towers
@pup_hime oh I mean the fabula ultima character
I'm one of the AT fans Cherry mentioned already
@elfi yeah i feel like FU would let you do a pretty good reyvateil, i wouldnt be surprised if the class was inspired by AT. I would take elementalist or spiritualist levels to cast a bigger variety of spells (the game requires multiclassing above level 10)
i wasnt really trying that hard to make one but the brainworms came unbidden