ar tonelico is so cool. the concepts are so fuckin cool
the games are not that good... but the world is 11/10

they made like five conlangs for that series man

giving myself ar tonelico brainworms again bc i decided to play a chanter in fabula ultima

@elfi well, for starters, this is a science fantasy world where the planet is falling apart and the last remnants of civilization are clustered around giant towers that hold up a few floating continents. you have a race of people, reyvateils, who can cast song magic, which as it turns out, is more like an API request in a special language, to one of these towers

@pup_hime oh I mean the fabula ultima character

I'm one of the AT fans Cherry mentioned already :blobuwu:

@elfi oh i didnt realise i was talking to an expert
idk how much you know about FU
the high fantasy sourcebook has a chanter class which has you pick a volume (from single target, all allies, or all enemies) and a key (that affects what damage type you deal and what you buff/debuff/restore) and then one of the different tones which changes what the chant actually does, between buff/debuff/damage/heal, and I decided i'd mix that with the mutant class from the techno fantasy sourcebook and play an artificially created being who hears the voice of the planet and channels it into song


@pup_hime ooooh! c: that sounds like fun, definitely gives a chance to flavour a red/blue magic dichotomy like a reyvateil

I don't know much about Fabula Ultima myself, as much as I'd really like to check it out based on what I've heard. I have some fond memories of the old FFRPG though

@elfi yeah i feel like FU would let you do a pretty good reyvateil, i wouldnt be surprised if the class was inspired by AT. I would take elementalist or spiritualist levels to cast a bigger variety of spells (the game requires multiclassing above level 10)
i wasnt really trying that hard to make one but the brainworms came unbidden

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