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mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted


corook - smoothie is SO good

quoting a bit from the post series, i'd cry if i was alone rn ~~ ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 

You did this for all the right reasons. To live your truth. The person you are transforming into will thank you. Your pain, your tears...they are all for that person. That is the unconditional love you are gifting to yourself. You are willing to endure this pain for her, and she will thank you every day for the rest of her life. You are writing a love note to yourself through this process. She will read it over and over, and memorize every line. Don't forget that.

src ~

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gender [text field]: second-hand breakdown from reddit post

mei 🌒& boosted
maybe it's the mediterranean in me but 12C is coat weather. 12C is "oh shit i should've put two tights on cause my legs are freezing" weather. 12C is not bikini top and shorts weather, british people are absolutely mad
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some cool en grammar i found out in the wild 

> When A lays her hand on B's face to close the latter's eyes, B closes them herself.

"the latter" as a pronoun!! how wonderful (:
i've always thought about it as a thing for objects only, and it's also probably also that for some people sometimes but this more generic usage is great!!

mei 🌒& boosted

Please do not go to this website and file false reports to jam up the system. That would be very bad and wrong, especially since the form doesn't seem to have much, if any input validation. You could really make it hard for the Missouri Attorney General to enforce his eliminationist policies.

computer toucher, ominously no context 

[972948.147121] sysrq: Emergency Remount R/O
[972948.147942] Emergency Remount complete

re: hw hacking meta 

there's a third one with the pin headers desoldered, and a few old arduino clones that are pretty useless for what i wanna do

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re: hw hacking meta 

theres two in my box and they're both marked defective??

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hw hacking meta 

how do i manage to /constantly/ be either out or almost out of esp32 devboards,,,??


Always move in close. The cat should take up at least half of the picture.

mei 🌒& boosted

cont: waifu-diffusion ML-generated girl thread (no alt-text, sorry, hands still hurt) 

some more girls :3

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waifu-diffusion ML-generated girl thread (no alt-text, sorry, hands still hurt) 


mei 🌒& boosted

I'm looking to hire a really great front-end engineer to work on Grafana observability for logs, metrics, traces, profiles.

Seeking someone who knows React, who is creative and resourceful, who has aspirations to build and grow a team. The biggest things in looking for are a bias towards action and curiosity.

This likely suits someone who has been freelance, doing consulting work, or tried their own startup in the past. It's a role with a lot of ownership over what you do, implies you're quite senior.

This is a remote role, it doesn't matter where you are. Though if you're in EMEA or the Americas it will help with time zones to existing team members.

Please boost, it's a good job in a good company for the right person ☺️


I think when a cat keeps on meowing back and forth w you they're negotiating whether they believe you exist :blobcat:

mei 🌒& boosted

Reposting this because it's like the best thing I've ever drawn~
#trans #fox #furry

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