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aawwwaaa the owl house is so fucking adorbss :3

voice control feels a bit like casting spells now

( psst @aynish )

voice, writing, computer 

my perception of time morphs around speech recognition now

it is like my very own words are lagging behind, and i cannot hear them until they are on the computer screen

re: quotes from a quiet, screeching voice, reference to a valerie, but not the one here, out of context, obscure as fuck i'll be very impressed if you get it (and subsequently happy) 

i would like to add the context here eventually

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quotes from a quiet, screeching voice, reference to a valerie, but not the one here, out of context, obscure as fuck i'll be very impressed if you get it (and subsequently happy) 

Look to the past.
Valerie.Look: command not found


Tried to take me by the throat to teach me I was not
valerie: command not found


Snow will be on the ground.
The other name for disappointment, after all, is love.
of what one wants.

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

right now it's making me oddly uncomfortable, but i suspect that's from a wound time will heal

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once i can do girlmode reliably effortlessly i think i will play with da gender ball..

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track title you can use if you want 

nucleotide promises

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

badly-formatted email quote, corpospeak quoted 

> From: Google Merchant Center <>
> Subject: Update to the Shopping ads dangerous products policy
> As of May 23, 2023, people will no longer be allowed to advertise products with a concentration of more than 10%
> sodium nitrite. This update to the dangerous products policy will help keep people safe – and applies to Shopping ads.

there must've been a wild story behind this... i do wonder

i also wonder why they decided to send me this email

mei 🌒& boosted

by implicit popular request (exaggerating somewhat), here's a version where you can choose several options.

the query this time: methods for girl-to-girl communication that you like?

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(she wrote this at the cishet psychologist and thought it was funny)

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mei 🌒& boosted

I think it was @ckie who mentioned subvocal recognition, and now I'm totally in love with the idea

make me cyborg who can input with thought alone pls

sadly, it's still a valid research project and I could not find a wearable that would grant me that power

been thinking about cyborgs a lot lately

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