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ccc talk called "Gender Diversity in der Elektrotechnik" but it's actually about connectors

(if the mutuals are not happy that's also a thing, but i wish you were happy (if you aren't))

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have cool writing idea but i like my mutuals happy and its a pretty sad-inducing writing idea

scrolling for many minutes to see some @Dee posting! i want my money back! (i have spent no money)

mei 🌒& boosted

under communism there will only be one pillow and it will have a muscular catgirl on it

what if i ate your programming sock fan vent

A cat sat on the keyboard. This is what it typed. 

09-op LN::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>>>>>>>HI*Y2~|~2~ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjukbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbou

when the video says "hello ladies and gentlemen" and you don't know what that means

my cat just sat in front of the speakers and the music got much quieter. cat is a good sound dampener.

@vv hello new MUTUAL, we are now MUTUALS because of ALBANGO.

ever just pick up your water bottle from your desk with your feet

browsing aliexpress to find some motors but instead i just see a looot of sex toys

there should be a second cw button where it makes you confirm you want to view the thing jbajbeheab

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