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do you ever just wanna be a cat in one of your friend's homes

what if,, we kissed wihle i took a lighter out of your pocket and started burning a flag with it??

@charlotte @5225225 i am following you two but we are not mutuals. how do you plead?


i hope this isn't an actual word

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subposting ish 

when you draft a lewd post in your head but the other person isn't also a minor and wouldn't like it

(we are not mutuals)

mei 🌒& boosted

*lies down in the middle of your timeline*
*stretches out*
mrrr :blobmiou:

mei 🌒& boosted

looking at my cat before i continue looking at other cute cat's photos to make sure she won't see them :blobcat:

meh rhyme 

goody goody, smash a nazi

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