@artemis ? meow!
quoting a bit from the post series, i'd cry if i was alone rn ~~ ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
You did this for all the right reasons. To live your truth. The person you are transforming into will thank you. Your pain, your tears...they are all for that person. That is the unconditional love you are gifting to yourself. You are willing to endure this pain for her, and she will thank you every day for the rest of her life. You are writing a love note to yourself through this process. She will read it over and over, and memorize every line. Don't forget that.
some cool en grammar i found out in the wild
> When A lays her hand on B's face to close the latter's eyes, B closes them herself.
"the latter" as a pronoun!! how wonderful (:
i've always thought about it as a thing for objects only, and it's also probably also that for some people sometimes but this more generic usage is great!!
Please do not go to this website and file false reports to jam up the system. That would be very bad and wrong, especially since the form doesn't seem to have much, if any input validation. You could really make it hard for the Missouri Attorney General to enforce his eliminationist policies.
@chloe hi chloe
@haskal xeni or other girl?
re: hw hacking meta
there's a third one with the pin headers desoldered, and a few old arduino clones that are pretty useless for what i wanna do
@skye welp, tried
@skye i have
setxkbmap -layout us,us,il -variant ,colemak, -option -option grp:win_space_toggle -option compose:rctrl -option caps:super
- rebinds caps to super
- toggles inbetween these layouts with super+space:
+ Hebrew
re: waifu-diffusion ML-generated girl thread (no alt-text, sorry, hands still hurt)
@thufie in a cute way :3
WARNING: warranty for this mei& expired 2004-01-10T13:37:04Z. please contact [EXPUNGED] for extensions and out-of-warranty servicing.
I gave my map away, but it's time to push and pull, change and ~~kill your past~~. Oh... To know the catharsis of loving again reminds us of how much we bled. This heart wasn't made for loving anyone, but now I know where I am. I make my own path.
if i unfollowed you and you're at least vaguely queer please feel free to ask why. the follower management UI is bad and it might've been accidental!
if you're under 18 please don't open any posts CW'd as lewd.