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re: computer funny~! 

im not sure if it actually did this

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computer funny~! 

ardour is the funniest lil program.. i was meowing at it and then i finished meowing and started exporting it but i hit a key on midi keybkorbook while it was exporting and it made it into the export dsjfdsf

what if we were both girls 👉👈.. and we were using two DAWs at the same time??


i love me some unicode variation selector-15 (U+FE0E)

@Ember hugs . and the skills aren't all glaringly obvious computerwizard type beats

mei 🌒& boosted

@Ember i think thats kinda the deal w any personality-forming thing . im happy we got really good at a lot of really weird things to be really good at tho . turned out well for us i think :3 can use this brain a lot in ways we've practiced sinc very smol .

@Ember i think thats kinda the deal w any personality-forming thing . im happy we got really good at a lot of really weird things to be really good at tho . turned out well for us i think :3 can use this brain a lot in ways we've practiced sinc very smol .

honestly i think being terminally online since such a young age was a great thing to happen to us

cont: 2017-me-data-archive-posting, caps 

[♪ Nightcore - Carousel / We Are Number One (Switching Vocals) - YouTube](

was 12 or something

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2017-me-data-archive-posting, caps 


cont: reddit posting, funny 

I don't have a test suite. You're my test suite! Messages go to /u/GoldenSights.

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reddit posting, kink, funny, r/datahoarder, caps 

Edit 2 - RIPANDTEAR IS NOT RELATED TO SNUFF SO STOP IMPLYING THAT! It's about wholesome stuff, like downloading gigabytes of porn simultaneously while blasting cool tunes [like this](, OK?!

@rrix use the exterior cams to eyetrack the person looking at it and make the emojo looook

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