I'm looking for recommendations on e-mail providers! Since Google is axing my free GApps plan soon.

What I'm looking for:
- Support for own domain, including catch-all
- Reasonably priced (single user)
- Good reputation on reliability, deliverability(!), and privacy
- *No* jurisdiction marketing ('we're private because we're in country X')


@joepie91 mine¹ has been running for a while⁰ with this² and it's been pretty smooth sailing after setting it up and fixing a few things to not get caught in spam filters

¹ github.com/ckiee/nixfiles/blob
⁰ 11 months
² gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailse

@ckie I'm specifically looking for a hosted Just Works service with good deliverability right now - I already have too many things to be concerned about, and e-mail is pretty critical to me :)

@ckie @joepie91 I tried doing it before and hosting email is *a lot*. also VPS IP ranges can often get caught in spam filters which was what I found. there's all in one solutions that script the hell out of the setup, but in my case I like to have a semblance of what's going on for troubleshooting

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