People are way too eager to just call anything with a certain look to it "AI generated" to the point where they are imagining AI 'hallucinations' that aren't there.

@thufie someone took the themeing a little too seriously.

The government doesn’t want you to know that love is real and it can hurt you

:hahe: It makes me happy when you are hurt! ha he!

nsfw 🐾 

barefoot rights girls when she lets you huff it


I like the way this catnip brands itself similaitly to edibles. Gotta keep the whole family high!

this is a jojo joke. a jojojo, if you will 

Dio: you can call me Disney's Aladdin because i'm about to show you the world

My bully wife drank an entire cholula bottle in front of me and made me cry

when ya huff the luminiferous aether it is like whippets

Lawnmower man 2 uses the term "jack off" to refer to logging off of the computer. fun movie

fake headline 

House Fire Caused By Rogue Tater Tot

I wish Linux would just work good grief. all the Linux touchers are like "huh, I feel the same way about windows." guess what space dork, this OS is for chumps

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