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One day, we’re going to talk honestly about how white queers of all stripes – cis, trans et al – more often than not use their societal marginalisation as cover for the bigotry they’ve yet to contend with.

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yr "ACAB" is meaningless till you stop conceptualizing incarceration as Bad People Containment

au where all the homestuck cast are in the same plural system: frontstuck

it's so hard to find a femboy to share a sweet and tender moment with these days

"Not the Biggest Fan of Cops"
Spotted in Perth, Western Australia

if i was the government and i was concerned about inflation, I would simply close e621

i think aggregating personal info about people is bad actually

In today's bad #AI thing, apparently someone's made an "AI" (stochastic parrot of centrist neoliberalism) that lets you "talk to historical figures" and it's all kinds of terrible, e.g. Henry Ford being like "I mean I wasn't REALLY anti-Semitic" but this one is... a perfect example of how wrong it is and funny as HELL:

BREAKING: Chinese schoolchildren being forced to recite "dystopian" pledge of allegiance to national flag, according to US-ran Radio Liberty.

the fact that my girlfriend roots for the same hockey team I like is true love

food, me clowning on the CIA 

CIA agent, sweating: Fidel Castro's ghost personally contaminated the cayenne pepper in this taco bowl, I think I'm gonna be sick. I think I have Havana Syndrome

I'm autistic for other girls
W + did ask + cares about you + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *infodumps* + *bites you*

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