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so what happened last time is that I used it in a post, someone who's black said "this word is a racist dogwhistle," and I learned about it then and haven't used it since. and then a bunch of white folks we don't federate with anymore said "no it's not" or "that doesn't matter" and made a big Thing out of it rather than just finding a better word to use

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friendly reminder to maybe not use "based" if you're not black

last time we talked about this, you would've thought you were telling people they couldn't read Harry Potter (they acted the same way)

i would kill to see some of the unhinged code that elon musk has supposedly written

nature is so fucking dirty and violent and disgusting. and that's why it attracts nasty little freaks like me

oh, that's right, I never actually told any of you what the "culture" of "vulture culture" represents. it's about aspiring to be a fucking loser (very positive). hope this helps!

literally Do Not make fun of the chipped nail polish that's LITERALLY my bisexual culture you're talking about

caught an exception but the exception is a single shrimp doing its best

Vulture Fact: Apologies and congratulations! I'm your girlfriend now. Good for you! So sorry about this!

I'm polyamorous because if I'm awake and not receiving affection, my body turns back into a cloud of stardust and returns to the night sky. I'm a creature of the cosmic ether kept coherent and tangible solely by the power of true love

trans girl hiding behind blahaj is truly the facebook cis guy in truck with wraparound sunglasses of the fediverse

OH: *pained groaning* I'm gonna get big and round so I can crush capitalism.

bugs, bad 

they call it the world wide web because of the writhing pit full of spiders at the bottom of your home timeline

the queers are already armed. im so tired and i can't afford any more ammo. when are the rest of yall getting guns

*picking another flower off your head* of course you have bloom hair and pronouns


going up to my "asexual top" sign and flipping the smaller sign underneath that now says "open for business" (the other side said "thinking about Bionicle")

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