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O boy! My website boy! Our fearful spike is done,
The instance has weather'd every boost, the DAU we sought is won
Sidekiq is clear, the bloops I hear, the people are tooting,
While follow requests steadily grow, the server grim and daring;
But O mod! mod! mod!
O the toxic toots of hate,
Where on the TL my Boy lies,
Fallen unfollowed and blocked.

O boy! my boy! rise up and hear the reports;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you boosts and ribbon’d faves—for you the users a-following,
For you they toot, the swaying 'verse, their eager mouses scrolling;
Here boy! dear type of guy!
This meta below your account!
It is some dream that on the TL,
              You’ve fallen blocked and suspended.

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My boy does not answer, his fingers are pale and still,
My type of guy does not fav my reply, he has no post nor pin,
The instance is shutd'n safe and sound, its runtime closed and done,
From fearful glance the victor 'stance comes in with object won;
Load O timelines, and boost all posts!
But I with mournful swipe,
Scroll the TL my boy lies,
Fallen unfollowed and blocked.

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Impending US National Rail strike 

US faces a possible national rail strike, as the largest rail union rejects the proposed settlement. If one of the rail #labor union goes on strike, the remaining 11 will honor it and not cross the line. The bosses are counting on Congress to impose a settlement, as the law allows, but that's not a good look.

be careful around the fabric of reality gnomefield




basket with a sticky note that says "take a post, leave a post"

joining an instance for the thrill of the admin having access to your DMs actually

Hierarchy of needs: dick from a girl with a big knife

just got called "gender bent Tom scott" by my gf

I'd like you to refer to my previous toot:

paul atreides undergoing forced fremenization

foreign state pussy got me actin crisis

best feature of mastodon? gotta be the posts

the follow-up that i thought of way too late 

like most rail infrastructure in the united states, it's largely non-functional and underwhelming

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it'd be cool to find other BIPOC folks who are also weird little gremlins, funky lil posters, odd little fellas. I really haven't met too many non-white people on here to begin with

as famous twitter user dril once wrote, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

LIFEHACK: estrange yourself from your entire family and you won't be forced to celebrate thanksgiving ever again 😁

Tacoma is called the "City of Destiny" because the Elite Four is there

I love being on mastodon cause i can be 23 making peepee poopoo jokes and y'all will laugh and then go back to talking about philosophy or politics or programming or botany or whatever

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.