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every legislator who signed texas, idaho, or florida's anti-trans bills should be killed

algorithmically generated post 

they tell me aboUT BLEBBING

I wanna go back to fucking around, I’m only 20 and it feels like all I’m doing in life is finding out nowadays

asking for money help, please boost :boost_ok: 


i need $70 for groceries and $70 for medical weed ($140 total)

i have to work from home because i have asthma and catching covid is a major health risk for me. i've been doing freelance video editing (portfolio and contact info below) but that alone isn't enough to keep me afloat. i've also opened up my own etsy shop at




if you're interested in hiring me to video edit, my portfolio and contact info can be found at verticallyalignedcarbonnano.tu

thank you so much for saving my life multiple times and continuing to keep me alive, fediverse!!! :blacker_heart_outline: :black_sparkles_outline:

#MutualAid #TransCrowdFund

due to review score inflation all pieces of media should be scored at 7/10 to ensure objectivity

time is a flat circle. we redecorate the grandstands, but we keep running the same race

from the joker's perspective, dihydrotestosterone is just normal testosterone

them: i think she has mental health

me: (says nothing, has mistaken a real person for a hallucination)

he: :garfield:

duckduckgo how to succeed in university with spicy time travel

The way neurotypicals talk about autistic kids is truly atrocious

Okay but seriously folks why don't we just print more money

food, technically 

the "hey food from taco bell is really cheap" to "i am going to throw up and die" pipeline

A lot of people think "they have nothing to hide" until they discover that:

- they do

- they can't

every so often i run into a post from someone i recognize on r*ddit and have a short mental breakdown on their behalf. no one deserves that

TDOR, some terrible numbers 

96% of those murdered globally were trans women or transfeminine people

58% of murdered trans people whose occupation is known were sex workers

43% of the trans people murdered in Europe were migrants

The average age was 30; the youngest being 13 and the oldest 68


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