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leftpol, happy valentines 

This Valentine's Day, remember that if your partner expects you to show your appreciation for them by buying into consumerist marketing tactics meant to sell shitty chocolate and dying flowers they aren't the one. Give your SO lots of love and hugs and kisses, but don't fucking support Nestlé just for a relationship with a nonrad.

Same goes for Easter and Christmas. Gift-giving is good. Mandatory gift-giving on a certain date is a tool of capitalist oppression. Don't buy into it.

That said, fuck i love my girlfriends so fucking much theyre all so cute and loving and kind and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (u know who you are cuties. ily. happy valentines. amerikkka delenda est)

shakespeare is bad. click to learn why i think so 

and the fact that he's part of the canon is fucked up since a) his work is older than capitalism (not a bad thing ive read plato) b) the hegemonic focus on shakespeare as The Great English Writer shuts out marginalized authors very intentionally (the american education system is a blight on the land and must be destroyed)

also, oth*llo is kinda racist, even for its era. from what i hear

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also obligatory fuck shakespeare id rather have read Le Guin in hs

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shakespeare/shitpost/potential cognitohazard 

stop saying "i was born in the wrong generation" and start saying "i was from my mother's womb untimely ripped"



high thoughts 

slowing a song down and pitching it lower is the musical equivalent of putting sunglasses on acharachter to make them cool

ok can we all stop screwing around and admit that 2021 isnt real... its march 327, 2020 in our hearts

'whats your orientation?'
me? oh im an anarchist
'no i mean who do you like to fuck'
the state :)

USPol, Liberals 

Liberals can in the same breath say, "Fuck donald trump for sneezing directly into his hands" and follow up with "Now Obama's drone strike policy was a delicate decision to make and i can't blame him for murdering innocent people"

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result isn't insanity, it's SCIENCE. I'm not crazy, because i don't expect this to work!

- bugfixing in a nutshell

i frequently get bullied by my girlfriends for liking sports

subtoot, nsfw, hypno, forcefem 

a how to guide on forcefemming yourself with highly sophisticated mind control:
1) open your web browser, go to, and search "optical illusion"
2) cover yourself in women's clothes
3) rotate image
4) skirt go spinny

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