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nsfw, us-history? 

:kissinger: 💬 "...absolutely. I guarantee this game will make you cum in less than five minutes. I will stake the international reputation of the United States upon it. Power is the ultimate aphrodesiac, you know..."

this is the last thing i reblogged on my tumblr before going dark for years and ressurecting it now

i still think about it, honestly. it's good

how much longer must I endure being the sweetest girl who stays sunny despite the microaggressions

The assumption: people with music on Spotify are making good money from streaming royalties

The reality: at less than one cent per stream, most musicians don't even make back the money it costs to put the music on Spotify, much less the amount it costs to produce the music to begin with

hate speech isn't very PC Magazine Reader's Choice ✅✅ of you

women and enbies and men and guys and dogs and robots and cats and raccoons and icons and statuary and agendas and lists and meetings and activists and heroes and villains and romance and tragedy and comedy. and the living earth in which we all crawl and scrape and live and die and thrive

less than hinged, shitpost, long 

the ass, you know? the whole ass. the whole, entire ass. unabridged, without summary - without a point, even! what more do you need, it's the ass! it's meandering, it's all encompassing, like the sky or the Mississippi River! you have to be a licensed barge pilot for this thing, you have to be able to navigate it with your eyes closed! they test you, too! blindfolded and hands bound and gagged, indicating which way to turn the boat with whatever little nods and gestures you can manage!

there's an ass pilot shortage, are you doing your part?? they're trying to automate this shit! AI for your ass. AI self driving barges for the entire ass. it's expensive and impractical and they're doing it anyway because they neglect the fact that they can't treat highly skilled workers like shit and successfully automate their jobs away without catastrophic failure after catastrophic failure! people died! a lot of them, they went down in a ship fire and they couldn't get the coast guard out because they're incompetent, they're unprepared, they're under orders to stand and watch, helplessly! because the US military is transparently a front for enormous corporations selling the same shit to all sides! it's a sham. it's a fucking sham. I was going to be a US marine, I was in JROTC in high school, I was going to serve my country! but then I learned true compassion, true justice, how it's held in the hands of the workers! how you can't be the firing pin and expect the gun not to fire!

and I refused to become a weapon! I was so naive, but I learned. they can never automate that away. they can never automate true, genuine kindness in the face of adversity. they can't replace love. they can try, and they will, they'll do their damnedest to create a facsimile of love and joy and happiness, and year after year it's a catastrophic failure. people died. they died in a ship fire on the mental seascape and we in our ships watched from a mile away, closing in, as the black smoke towered into the sky and signaled the point where we changed. the black, inky column of betrayal from the institutions we trusted and our own regret over our own shortcomings. the mark forever on our minds as we, against orders, threw ourselves into the water to save the survivors. every institution built on money will promise a facsimile of the bright ends of the human condition, but they are poison in the waters, lead in the gasoline, blood in the rivers. and only community can truly save you before your ship goes alight and you burn or drown in shallow depths

I'm tired of these fake fucking currencies showing up doing major harm. what the fuck is a United States Dollar

is fry from futurama tboy swag? the UN consulate weighs in tonight at 9:30

Call before you dig? That's a bunch of big government hogwash. There's free copper and sewer lines down there! And fiber's good for your diet too!

no really this post coincides with a ++++ on the mood chart i will not be sleeping for the next 156 hours. thank you for your understanding. i promise i will delete my account from shame once i am properly medicated.

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showing this to my therapist and speedrunning getting sectioned

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ah yes. my friend, John Khmer Rouge (this is what JKR stands for. do not let anyone tell you otherwise) who works for the CIA is completely trustworthy. i'm going to go out into the woods and play with deadly weapons with him while drinking. this can't possibly have unforseen consequences

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cop named mark nazi 

this would be rejected by every single editor as too on the nose

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