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Ink, skin, blood and bone,
We hereby summon Post Malone !

well. here's my first attempt at making something that sounds like city pop 😎 I don't know whether it fits in with the genre exactly, but it's kinda fun!
uhh #music I guess?

*grabbing the aux cord and setting my alarm to a minute from now* you better buckle up, this song is about to go so fucking hard

I want to take a moment to thank particularly the Black and Brown folks on here who have talked about and explained how to learn from them (ie. "read, don't challenge") - it has really helped me conceptualize the idea that sometimes, there are discussions that you just shouldn't be having, and often it is because it's not your place to be having them as it is not your lived experience. No matter how well you think you understand the situation.

While it's a concept that I've sort of intuitively understood for a while, I never quite understood it in a form that I could apply to situations outside of my own. This has helped with that a lot, by making it a more concrete principle.

Now I only wish that other people understood this concept too. It ends up being applicable in so many cases.

giving myself rabies on purpose to embrace the aesthetic of being a truly uncontainable dog girl

unabomber gender 

I cant tell if that onion article having ted kaczynski as a member of the editorial board is just like a “haha famous villain” thing or if its a fairly dark reference to this piece of lore

long vent about transphobia, uspol, begpost? sure 

texas' senate just introduced a bill which would allow any medical provider providing gender affirming care to anyone to be sued for malpractice. i saw this coming. you probably did too. they said they would do it, and here we are. i guess we got what we deserved for being from a red state.

but i'm from dallas. i've never lived anywhere else but texas. it's a part of who i am that i'm from here. now that part of me is being torn out of my chest and smashed to bits in front of me by an apartheid government of rich white bastards who maintain their hold on power with dirty tricks and police violence. i am being told, more or less explicitly, that i am not wanted in the only home i've ever had because i made the stupid decision to hold myself out to the world as transgender. they'll cut off our healthcare, then they'll cut off our heads when they decide we're not "going away" fast enough.

they hate us. i hate myself, too, for what it's worth. i hate myself because i feel like i'm a coward for not standing up and fighting at every opportunity. yes, i've been to protests and made my voice heard. i even thought about voting for all the good it will do. but i can't just go fistfight dan patrick until he decides trans people are okay actually. i'm going to run away like i always have before, and i'm going to think of all the people i'm leaving behind when i do just to twist the knife a little bit. i feel like there's an octopus trapped in my chest trying to worm its way out through my throat and scream "STAND AND FIGHT YOU COWARD!"

but that's how i feel. none of the so-called "cis allies" who i've been navigating recently are going to put their lives on the line just to help trans people. they get to read about our impending genocide in the morning paper and go "oh that's so sad. if only there were something i could do." and then PUT US OUT OF THEIR MINDS BECAUSE WE'RE TOO PONDEROUS. that guilt tearing me up because i won't fight pales in comparison to the feeling that we've been betrayed somehow, because they won't fight. we're dealing with our own battles, and there are too few of us trans people spread too thin for the onslaught of ghoulish right-wing political violence that we now face practically everywhere south of the Mason-Dixon.


i got called "brave" for going to a family event as myself yesterday, but. i can't be anyone else. and i am so tired of being brave. i want to be safe. i want to be among kin. i want to rest. i want a place where i can be myself without having to stare down a Roganesque escaped gorilla with a .45 screaming "PEDOPHILE MARXIST GROOMER" in my face every so often. i want a place where i don't have to be "brave" to go to the damn grocery store.

i wish it could have been my home.

if you can, please donate to my liberapay and help me and two other trans women get the hell out of here.

damn, all these fellas on these sample sites like "bro... bro you wanna collab? please bro, I... *cough* I gotta collab, man... we really gotta collab bro, I'm begging you, please... I'm dying bro..."

me, doing nothing but looking at samples for three hours: oh yeah, I'm making music right now. no I'm working very hard

Why is Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the environmental catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio, one of the donors to the Atlanta Police Foundation, which is trying to destroy the forest in Atlanta in order to build Cop City?

It makes sense, if you think about it: corporations like Norfolk Southern depend on police violence to suppress protests that might otherwise force them to minimize the risks that their profiteering exposes others to. Police are an essential element in their strategy of raking in profits while offloading the costs onto forests, small towns like East Palestine, and ordinary people like us.

We need an ecological movement that can defend our communities. Otherwise, we will end up ruled by oligarchs in an uninhabitable world.

cancel culture is real and I invented it. I cancel anyone who I don't find funny

Friends is Homestuck for the cishets

so anyway which one of your headmates is Chandler

cishet kinning culture is weird because they'll ask you which of five identical white guys with similar personalities you're most like, and they will be disappointed by every answer in a different way

Columbo is a closeted trans woman. no I've never watched it in my life. just trust me

family, pers, vent, but funny 

sorry mom, if you didn't want me to call you a "easily hoodwinked neurotic Whole-Foods store brand cracker" you should have had me vaccinated.

drug use (mine) 

whippets with the polycule > anything a het relationship could offer me

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