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ph- but funny 

i, uh, overdosed on tums

i realize what day it is but this isnt a bit im recovering from hypermagnesmia

dont ask how i got here

:gay_weed:, smoking (the bad kind) 

you know youre high when you try to ash your juul

demo drop, uspol 

this song was written and recorded in one day with a phone mic but it's still higher quality than ted cruz's beard


music's still coming btw, demos are gonna start dropping sometime next week

(she says knowing full well they aren't recorded yet)

apt69420 ment 

raise your hands if you expected masto to finally get public attention after a (based af) cybercrime done by a user

i wish all

the cops/bots/surveillance operatives reading this

a very

eat shit

@vantablack why would they do this instead of just being nice and pulling out their phone calculator for you..... I'm sorry ppl literally have no idea the hell min wage jobs are

clock: 1:00pm
my brain: FUCK has it been a long day of sitting on my ass. Sleep time
clock: 2:00am
my brain: *chugging a red bull* Did someone say MORNING???????

The Burmese anarcho-punk band Rebel Riot put together an anthem for the anti-coup protests and it fuckin SLAPS #OurBeats

a birdsite toot to ted cruz 

@/ Your wife looks like she constantly lives in fear of being within 6ft of your beard - COVID denial is gonna be HORRIBLE for your marriage.


im not THE joker but im A joker, you feel?

left "unity" subtoot 

if china is so good then where do my shoes get made

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