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lewd, clothing 

I did a google to find a cheeky reply to jess but instead sent myself spiraling into a laughing fit


wow damn i really have like no fucking money huh

americans on fedi: haha america sucks, down with the USA
me: yeah, there's no such thing as [state name] culture
americans: now hold on a diggity dog gone minute

lewd, kachow 

i don't remember the context for this toot but it's out there i guess

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lewd, kachow 

cishets are like the cars porn parody


fall out boy, misheard lyrics, lewd, firearms 

we're going down, down
in a no leelah ra
sugar, we're going down swingin'
i'll be your number one, whip or pull it
i know you got cocks, yeah, cop hidden bullet

portland / white nationalists / safety reminder 

reminder that white nationalists from across the country are descending on Portland this Saturday the 17th. There have been multiple credible threats of extreme violence from the far-right that plan to attend, and the police are openly threatening state violence. Businesses are already planning to close. I had to offer to cover most of the shifts at the co-op on Saturday just to prevent white nationalists from shutting us down with threats.

Carry your self defense tools (pepper spray, etc), try to travel in groups, and check-in on each other. I have a feeling this is going to be bad.

pol, bad joke, gatekeeping(kinda) 

don't say you like the Mastodon anime if you haven't read the manga


i might have stolen this from @thufie but she stole my "no μ" joke so it all evens out

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D/s shitpost 

emacs: File <filename> has changed on disk. Reread from disk? (yes or no)

me: "y"

emacs: Please answer yes or no.

me: u-um... "yes"

emacs: yes *what*?

me, somehow typing smaller: ...... "yes mxtress"

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