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sex shitpost 

close your eyes for a facial unless you're wearing goggles bitch this ain't a porno smh

today goes out to all the thicc nonbinary folx out there

lewd shitpost 

when there is lube on the blankets you sleep more slippery and glide smoothly to bed

not safe for jeans 

Ah shit, guess I'm a jornstar now

lewd implied 

magic wands for magical girls

kink, sex 

Our piss will fertilize next year’s zinnias as we rut atop decaying tomato vines. Eating out each puckered cavity, draining one another of all sweet salty goo. Ah, what a joy it is to recline with you in the sex forest.

lewd shitpost 

the polycule mom is the one who washes the sex toys

lewd shitpost 



proposition for consideration by the committee:

gay sex

furry porn and twitter link 

hey wanna listen to a podcast with me? 👉👈🥺💞 :gay_weed:

lewd thighs exposure, panties visible, lewd 

idk why the boys keep asking if my pussy is real, this look animatronic to you?

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lewd thighs exposure, panties visible 

:vibby_thighs: :3 🌺🌸💐🌼🏵️

:boost_requested: :boostsPorFavor: :boosts_ok_gay: uwuwuwu

lewd term for a brat 


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