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re: rachael is implying i should post about pisskink instead of the current meta for my own mental health's sake so 

:sayori_dislike: federal election commission
:sayori_like: federated erection cum mission

Lewd selfie, no ec, somewhat soft nudity but very lewd text to reader's attention 

@Milouchkna yes 🥺

wait... what was the question?

Thighs. For thigh thursday. Not explicit, but suggestive 

@Baryons yay! your thighs look very biteable ❤️. nice polish.

cursed, nsfw 

I am imagining one of those smart buttplugs refitted to serve as a wireless headphone recharger pod, so you can plug three in one!

Now we just need a tie-in nose-plug and chastity combo that can be thrown in as a special as seen on TV offer for double the initial price. Completely sealed.


@foccs check out our breed one, get one free sale for all the switches out there!

erotically charged 

@elilla this is key to a healthy lesbian's well-being

:over18: vantaboobs!!! :over18: 

@vantablack we are spoiled for vantaboobs lately :blobcatmeltthumb:

I am anti-nationalism, but 

pro yuri-nation :piss: :lesbian_spinning_hearts:

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