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every patent which doesn't get respected is another contribution to the commons :)

I just took the most amazing cat pictures ever.

was just about to turn around the corner when I saw them sitting on the fence, took out my camera as quick as possible and started taking pictures while slowly getting closer

US Pol, Simple action needed, Mass surveillance and encryption, 

Congress is using this opportune distraction to try to push for outlawing encryption. Please fill out this simple form through the EFF to prevent this from happening. Certbot will handle all of the configuration for you: It installs the certificate in your config file, and auto renews it with a cron job. This is what the configuration for one of my sites looks like:

Seeking Intersex/XXY groups/resources 

My girlfriend is XXY and has found a lot of differences in her journey and outlook compared to typical trans experiences. I was wondering if there are any groups or resources focused or strongly featuring Intersex and XXY people and their stories?

Slight preference toward groups, as I think she is really craving community right now, but certainly happy to get any resources as well!

Boosts more than welcome.


Seeking Intersex/XXY groups/resources 

@SpaceKitteh This blog has a lot of articles that might be helpful:

"hmm i wonder if i can write code that tries to access the sixth item in a list of five items"
c compiler: sure, here's a program that'll probably segfault but occasionally won't
rust compiler: you bumbling fool. you dunce. you worm. you pathetic insect

bad medical advice / corona 

make sure to wash under your foreskin

TIL Emacs has support for morse code. You can select the text and run M-x morse-region or M-x unmorse-region
#Emacs #MorseCode

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