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still periodically think about Sony clip “one-station radios” from the late 1980s, where you had one earphone/battery unit and tuned to different stations by *swapping physical cards* with art representing each station, and naturally the art is sick as hell

whatever bitch ass program sneakily changed my homepage and search engine to bing: when i find you im casting you in to the fiery pits of hell

lewd shitpost, 4/4 day genitalia talk 

Gonna hook up with someone with a pp just so I can study how foreskins work

The appropriate amount of garlic is whatever is just past the point of making you feel fear.

"But Hex Stardust I don't fear garlic."

Then keep adding until you re-discover that fear.


I fucking hate this surveillance state world we live in

video conferencing tip: you can map mic mute/unmute to a global hotkey! pactl list-sources to find out the index of your mic. then

pactl set-source-mute <idx> toggle

@uint8_t That's handy. I use a usb mic with a hardware mute switch that I got from my university's surplus shop. The button lights up green when it's active, and the switch cuts power to it.


as far as i can tell:

1) when you walk up to a padlock, the game checks ONLY the current room!!! for ammo pickups

2) if there aren't any, and you have zero ammo, it spawns an ammo pickup somewhere in the room

3) walk up to the padlock, back to the pickup spot, toss the pickup into the hall outside, repeat this as many times as you want

4) go pick up your disgustingly large pile of ammo, enjoy

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Baby animal 

Some nice news from today, my uncle (in Bantry, Ireland)'s donkey had her baby

A guide for non autistic people on how not to support ableism in April 

Autism Speaks is bad, they want autistic people ‘cured’, otherwise known as eugenics. They are non autistic people speaking over us.
There are more horrible things AS do but this would be a very long post if I included them all.
Do not support or promote them.

ABA is a form of torture to force autistic people to mask our behaviour. It is not a helpful ‘therapy’. Even if someone didn’t have a bad experience it doesn’t negate the people who have been traumatised.

Light it up blue is an autism speaks event.
Light is up red is an autism community event in opposition to AS speaks.

Autism awareness is an autism speaks phrase. Autism acceptance is an autism community phrase.

The blue puzzle piece and puzzle pieces in general as a symbol are a red flag. It’s from the idea us autistic people are ‘incomplete‘.

We speak, sign and vocalise for ourselves. We do not need any NT people to communicate for us or decide our needs and rights.

@dragon You could use a tiling wm like i3wm and only use one side. My screen had a line down the middle for almost two years, and I worked around it by keeping that screen split down the middle.

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