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Signups are OPEN for The Longest Night, Tidal Cycles' 2021 online solstice marathon! Open to all, especially if this is your first stream/performance. Grab a 20 minute slot here:
More info:

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Fun fact: Phi (~1.618) is really close to the ratio between miles and kilometers (~1.609), which means you can use adjacent fibonacci numbers to quickly mentally convert back and forth between them.

for instance: 21 kilometers is roughly 13 miles (it's actually 13.05)

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Greenhouse Cloud alpha test program by the numbers!

3700 views on our self-hosted demo video

30 user accounts registered

19 successful installations:

9 linux -- command line only
3 linux with desktop application
4 macOS desktop application
3 windows desktop application

5 bugs identified and fixed

6 fully self-hosted web applications already live and in production via greenhouse!

1 month since the public alpha test was launched

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Hype Machine's Merch Table scans your Spotify Wrapped playlist to show you what is available for purchase on Bandcamp, and since tomorrow is Bandcamp Friday it's a good time to support the artists you've been listening to this year:

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Looking for donations for server hardware, boosts appreciated 

So uh, hypothetically speaking, do any of y'all have 4 TB of redundant NVME storage laying around and are within driving distance of Minneapolis? is going on a hardware upgrade road trip to expand our Baikal server. We're looking at maybe four 2 TB NVME drives, if anyone's feeling generous and/or has a pile of them somewhere.

Otherwise, donations towards new crunch are appreciated over at No pressure to send us dosh, we'll love ya all the same. 🖤

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remember that time a north african merchant(?) named constantine was in italy and a guy in the hostel was sick and they called a doctor and constantine was like "uhh aren't you gonna take a urine sample" and the doctor was like "a what" and constantine was like "…" and the doctor was like "…" and then constantine africanus moved to the monastery of monte cassino and spent the rest of his life translating arabic medical texts into latin,

because i think about this probably every single week

more: 🐘

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a few years ago, i started thinking "you know, it would be pretty cool if somebody took seriously the idea that G-d has no gender and came up with a third-gender system in Hebrew and used it to make a de-gendered siddur. i would love to see what that looks like"

and then i was introduced to the Nonbinary Hebrew Project and i was like "wow! i hope somebody uses this to make a siddur! that would be really neat!"

and then i was like "...oh, i'm somebody, huh"

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Hello Monday!

It's a new week, and the clowns will soon be back to their usual shenanigans in the #CircusInPlace video chat.

Come join us tonight starting at 8pm UTC-6:

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These are the kinds of CyberMonday deals I'm interested in.

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It's Cyber Monday!

A/S/L? What are you wearing?

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One Last Call To Makers Of Collage! 


I've successfully whittled down many, many boxes of old magazine clippings and booklets over the last year or so. In large part thanks to artsy types on here who took many of them off my hands.

Is there anyone left out there who'd still like a box shipped to them, gratis?

DM me & we'll set it up. (Yes, if you're outside the U.S., we can still try it. I can check postal rates & then get back to you if they're not fatally high.)

Boosts welcome.

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i am *so* into the beam parable, is the thing: if you steal someone's beam and make it part of your house, true repentance means tearing down your house so you can give the beam back, not just paying financial compensation. *this has implications for decolonization* #DafYomi #Taanit16

The Straights, minor lewd word, mild trans ignorance 

My straight friends are pretty good, except they didn't know what 'bussy' meant. I guess they heard it on twitch?

They're trying to use it properly now, but it's, uh, imperfect.

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one of them is that you can never go wrong by making the player characters dress up and go to a fancy party

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Food, recipe, vegetarian, alc, sous vide 

2 T butter
2 T brown sugar
About a shot of French brandy
6 cardamom seeds, three pods lightly crushed
2 t the best vanilla extract ya got
2 pears, kinda under ripe

Slice the pears and remove seeds (I used my mandoline because it's easier than a knife)
Put all ingredients into sous vide bags (zip locks with air squeezed out is fine)
Immerse fruit in 150°\80c water for 1 hour 20 minutes

Save the liquids and serve over anything, it's great.

Put the pears on a salad or something, I don't know. Have them with ice cream? Brag to your friends or family?

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if you are not american indigenous this thanksgiving day and some indigenous person is observing the day differently than what you think we should, stop. open their cashapp before you open your mouth.

you're not owed an explanation or education by any of us, especially not today or tomorrow.

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I just heard an old friend might be joining us for #CircusInPlace tonight! I'm excited, despite them knowing too many stories from my early performing days. :)

Hang out with with old friends and new in the video chat tonight starting at 8pm UTC-6, with clown shenanigans running into the wee hours:

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.