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friendly reminder that:

- you do not need to think someone is the scum of the earth to block them or mute them
- being blocked or muted does not mean you are a bad person in any way shape or form
- you have a right to surround yourself with people you enjoy, indeed, you have a right to happiness
- people liking you doesn't mean you are a good person
- you liking something or someone doesn't mean that that thing is good

it is a misconception I think a lot of people hold, and it's not truth.


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ok so i hate to be That Guy but is anyone else weirded out that everyone is using fucking white supremacist 4chan cartoons of "Nordic" and "tradwife" ideals for generic meme characters?

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If you live in the USA please call your senators and representatives and tell them to apply pressure on President Biden to stop the Line 3 pipeline. #StopLine3 #USpolitics

If you don't know who your representative or senators are or don't know their contact info you can use this website to find out:

Below in the image is a script for calling your reps by @asgitsga on twitter. Of course you can say something else, this is just an idea.

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Sorta fun clip from my stream yesterday showing my software tripping over itself + the command line tool working for the first time ever

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Signalise is a platform co-op that enables users to request and book interpreting services. Its democratically owned by deaf people, health staff and interpreters. This year they raised £330,000 pounds of investment in a crowdfunding campaign, exceeding their target by 10%.

It has now won the bid to become the main service provider for sign language interpreter services for the National Health Service in Liverpool, the fifth largest city in the country.

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Ok so I went to the art museum, and this is gonna be a two-parter for maximum effect; here is the placard for a bronze Brancusi sculpture called Princess X, please read and imagine what you think the sculpture might look like

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Hot take but using animal activism and vegan virtue signalling to verbally abuse indigenous people (and non white ppl in general tbh) about their meat consumption is racist.

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How ableism manifests onhere 

Importantly, ridicule is one of the primary mechanisms of ableism. Laughing about it is not in fact a subversive, detached, ironic perspective; it's actually one of the primary ways in which the sharp end of ableism has always expressed itself. It's clear how ridicule isolates disabled people. Yeah some things about disability are really tragi-comic! That's for *us* to find humour in, not you!

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How ableism manifests onhere 

Imo a better response to seeing someone give a wrong example of something being ableist is to Shut The Fuck Up And Mind Yer Fucking Business. Let people be wrong sometimes. There's plenty of other stuff out there to laugh about.

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Vague (-) 

I am having a bad day today.

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does anyone in the midwest have a spare room for me and my 3 rabbits?

i can pay $400 a month

i really need to get me and my rabbits out of very abusive housing <- my rabbits

#crowdfunding #housing


Shamelessly stolen from Cyberia's matrix room. Bless u @j3s .

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@aurynn @ghost_bird

I am not going to admit how many times the venn diagram of my interests in technology and my job as a theatrical fool have led to me mistyping "git clown" when I meant "git clone".

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It is also absolutely fine if you can't or don't want to describe every image. Blind people on the fedi have made this clear from Day 1. They are not, nor have they ever, demanded that anyone do something impossible or highly unpleasant.

However, as seen upthread, image descriptions are always possible for *someone*. Some (like me) even find it a fun activity that helps polish our writing skills. This is why you should ask for help if you find it hard to describe an image! Self-sufficiency is a harmful myth anyway, you absolutely do not have to do everything for and by yourself.

You can, for instance, use resources like @imagecaptionspls to ask people subscribed to that group for help with captioning. You can also CW undescribed images explaining the image is not described, letting screen reader users know to move on. These are just two of the ways you can deal with captioning difficulties, and none of it involves being an ableist dick about image descriptions.

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As proof that adequate descriptions of even the most complex images are fully possible (which is not the same thing as being easy or feasible for everyone), I will use the very image that was used to argue image descriptions are useless.

Try reading the image description of the attached image. Sighted people can compare it to the original image. Does the description give you an idea of what the image is about? Can you understand the gist of it? For sighted people, is the description comparable to an understanding most sighted people would have at a first glance?

If the answers to these questions is "yes," then it's a useful image description that proves that even complicated and inscrutable images can be described, if only to convey the complicated nature of the image. And I promise you, very few if any sighted people can take in, completely understand, or even read an image like this in its entirety at most display settings.

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Volunteers Needed to Help Afghan Refugees! :boost_ok: 

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is calling for volunteers to support incoming Afghan Allies, Special Immigrant Visa holders, who are being evacuated to the United States. Afghan Allies are currently arriving near Seattle, DC and Texas.

If you are able to volunteer your time to help with services like airport pick-ups, apartment set-ups, or bringing a meal, please sign-up at the link below!

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NLRG accuses Home Depot of violations over BLM 

US #labor board (National Labor Relations Board) alleges that Home Depot illegally violated workers' protected right to protest against #racism

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