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hearing my name actually said to me and not over text hits different

i have to pretend to be somewhat normal today and its stressing me out cause i dont like being normal

i mean if the coloring pages are lewd thats one thing but i mean the ones with elaborate pictures to color in and detailed flowers and stuff

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i know "adult" coloring books exist but like

why does there need to be a distinction

i think everyone should be able to color if they want to

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no, being a serious adult 24/7 will kill the patient she needs coloring books

Sal: your majesty, we are out of princess yuri
Orchid: fetch me my typewriter!!! i shall make my own *falls asleep instead after writing one paragraph of fluff*

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caretaker!! i request my bedtime princess yuri 🥺

been playing a half life mod called Delta Particles recently, pretty good

i deserve to have a bunch of pretty clothes to play dress up in

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really enthusiastic maid doll:

house md meme reference, thought fragment 

only fools use the medicine drug

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