i mean if the coloring pages are lewd thats one thing but i mean the ones with elaborate pictures to color in and detailed flowers and stuff
i know "adult" coloring books exist but like
why does there need to be a distinction
i think everyone should be able to color if they want to
Sal: your majesty, we are out of princess yuri
Orchid: fetch me my typewriter!!! i shall make my own *falls asleep instead after writing one paragraph of fluff*
Orchid is a sleepy doll shaped magical girl and artist of various mediums, mostly written text. Enjoys cute clothes and stuff, cool bugs, games, mecha and planes and other vehicles, and making things. She/Her, It/Its. bug princess.
Salamander Rosegarden is The Maiden Of The Eternal Garden, a witch focused on plant based magic. Often pondering food recipies or admiring Mimara's weird behaviors.
Neither of them are human. They are very in lesbians with each other.
18+ stuff at https://social.pixie.town/@rosegardenad
20s, white, traumaqueer, plural.
Banner: "Well this rates about a 9 on my weird shit-o-meter" silkscreened onto the Jammit PCB for Area 51 Site 4 by Atari Games