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"strive for peace", combat dolls 

they know their final fate is to be decomissioned, when the fighting finally ends on both sides. either rehabilitated or dismantled. the mechs will be recycled. No more bloodshed, no more pointless loss of life.

May we never, ever need such technology ever again. nuclear weapons, weaponized drones, knife missiles. all must be defused and decomissioned. bombs rendered unable to detonate and sealed away. The wounds slowly allowed to heal over the battlegrounds as flowers and grass can once again grow.

The dolls will all smile, on a bright sunny day in a kinder world. Knowing that all will be well, but to remain vigilant.

May we never, ever need them again.

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the dolls that wage wars

and the dolls that wish to stop it all

if we replace corporate social media with bug 🪲🐛....


hello there, #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest thankfully March is back to normal...but i need to ask for help...

I have 41 (forty one) cents in my bank account

I need $185 before march 29th. why?

>to pay bills
>busfare for groceries

I would appreciate any help in this I can get please?


global pol (non-specific), climate change, Ketsui 

I sometimes think about the background plot of Ketsui. It's the 2050s, ice caps have melted due to climate change, WWIII breaks out, UN can do fuck all to stop a mega corp who's selling weapons to all sides to line their pockets so they have to send in four covert soldiers and blow up EVAC, then kill the pilots to avoid having the mission traced back to them, presumably because countries would cancel the UN into oblivion for depriving them of their precious weapons.

i have changed my opinion despite its large size i do kinda want one of these

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the robot polycule and their plushie girlfriend

do u have a crush on me

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