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Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

keyword Extensible

you can provide drivers of your own for all sorts of filesystems and stuff for the EFI to use

theres i believe an ext4 driver to allow reading from ext4 filesystems

someone ported doom to it. you no longer need a full os to play doom.

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im a goddamn adorable dork i have a preference in *computer firmware*

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old bios is simple and nice but i enjoy the features of EFI

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the only thing I miss having on Bowtie is having an EFI firmware instead of an old bios

I want an eink screen to plug into Bowtie for writing and reading

sometimes i feel like the only clockwork/soft cloth doll surrounded by beep boop friends

im the friend group support plushie

oh! no! its actually a scsi thing and not strictly a tape drive thing!

its called squishy 🥰

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i swear theres a open sourcr tape drive program that has an adorable furry mascot and i cant remember the name

i wondrr if blender will make the intel atom Explode

blender explode, even

discord is a chat client not a forum replacement

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