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i found a lain desktop clock on a cdrom for one of the ost releases of SEL

she just stares at you.

it also tells time, but she just stares at you and blinks

remember when computer programs had some semblance of personality

i wish I was kidding its disk partitioning program legit glitched the fuck out when met with big hard drive

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if you give it like 10gb hard drive the entire thing fucking falls to pieces

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os2 and its perfectly functional drive partitioning :)

alert alert!
bug lovers!!!!
Isopod, a spin off by the creator of Webbed, has a demo available on Steam!!!


no joke these are really comfy /serious
i am enveloped in soft

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computering while in full body pajamas how many levels of lain are we on /shitpost

haiku os and os/2 warp

these things dont usually end up in the same sentence together except when listing operating systems I plan to install in virtual machines

"be kind to people" NO be kind to everything. headpat that microwave

to tell the truth, i already know the general synopsis, which is how i learned i was probably not in the state of mind for it first time around.

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Lain is one of the only anime that has stuck in my head years after the fact, for better or for worse.

i expect the psx game, from what ive heard about it, will probably knock me flat on my ass if im not careful or ready

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aparently its that time again where im pondering Serial Experiments Lain

theres a psx game

i mean at least I have something in the error log now that isnt "CMOS Battery Dead or Dying"

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