dropdown menus for the various options and for mounting disks and stuff on the fly, made installing win3.1 a breeze
That trans girl that you follow, the one that you see as amazing and cool and goals? The one that seems to have a ton of friends and followers? She's just a normal girl, with normal feelings and, more importantly, normal hidden struggles. Your interactions and kind words might actually make her day when she's feeling down, or insecure, or feeling the pressure of social interactions due to any number of things. Remember, there's always just a normal girl behind that screen.
Machine Girl - Cyan Hardcore
Machine Girl - Infinite Potentiality
Machine Girl - Infinite Potentiality
Orchid is a sleepy doll girl and artist of various mediums, mostly written text. Enjoys cute clothes and stuff, cool bugs, games, mecha and planes and other vehicles, and making things. She/Her, It/Its.
Salamander Rosegarden is The Maiden Of The Eternal Garden, a witch focused on plant based magic. Often pondering food recipies or admiring Mimara's weird behaviors.
Neither of them are human. They are very in lesbians with each other.
20s, white, traumaqueer, plural.
posts nsfw often. adults only please!
Banner: "Well this rates about a 9 on my weird shit-o-meter" silkscreened onto the Jammit PCB for Area 51 Site 4 by Atari Games