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90% of the difficulty in soulcalibur rn: trying not to get fucking vaporized by inferno

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted

There are literally entire books about "passing." (Looks pointedly at Nella Larsen)

And, yes, this is relevant. Unfortunately far too many white people think books written by Black authors are "Black stuff," without realizing that the other side of that coin never seems to be that books written by white authors are "white stuff."

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apprently its not too liked from the comments ive seen elsewhere but it looks fun

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mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted

Oh, yeah, happy death to America day! (Every day is death to America day)

I cant wait for spring and summer so I can go out and photograph bugs again 🥺

*remembers the Vita never got all that much support from major publishers* right yea

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why did the ds get all the dressup games

i want to hug a bunch of entities at once

i would joke and say "according to leaks the next video game will be playable" but in the current state of big game releases thats not necessarily true

break the fourth wall, boss enemies randomly out for lunch, stuff like that

slapstick gags, easter eggs

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i think more video games should be silly

it literally has a sign saying "out for lunch" and then the stage ends

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look i think more games should do what Neko Navy did where you reach the stage 3 boss and find out its not there and left for lunch and you just...dont fight the boss ever.

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