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as i awake from the dream i have a thought enter my head:

"perfectly romantic SCSI SSDs"


aiming to be "unprofessional" in "the open source business"

fragment of dream 

xkcd desktop environment

manufacture day

*midi rendition of "happy birthday" plays*

writing, "flowery doll" 

sometimes, you may find patches of beautiful flowers, lively with happy insects buzzing about, where there wern't any before. Entering these flower fields is said to have a calming affect to those entering. Rumors have said theres somebody...or rather....a creature of sorts, that creates these flower fields. They stay for a while but seem to vanish as it moves from place to place.

It looks human enough at first glance, but closer examination reveals strange clockwork noises, smooth porcelain skin, joints similar to a toy doll, the winding key sticking out of its back.. it doesnt speak a word, only smiles when noticing someone.

the only question left is....who winds its key? certainly the doll cant be the one, and nobody else is ever seen with it. Some who have been in the fields have said it felt like something else was watching over.

InstallShield will now install this funny creature into your computer

girls with autism that infodump at you

oops guess we cant awawa teeheehee our way out of this one girlthings

nonbinary means nonbinary not "woman lite" ffs

cute nonsense 

how to catch the little goober (mari)

*hold by hair* no that is RUDE. that is its antennae

*hold by head* No! you will give it brain damage

*holds hand out with bug in it* correct. hold hand out and lure it in with its favorite bug

originally posted on twitter by KindLittleBug

"you better not be isopod"

is there a linux program that lets me make a little character that sits on top of my windows

gort :isopod: , kiniro :bestbeetle: , and king fossil 🦈 having a cuddle

have you considered becoming a bug
a good choice for any vacation
becoming a bug
for a week or so
eatin fruit or leaves or whatever

you will certainly not regret being a bug

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